Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Women Prefer In Men, Shaved Genitals

Bullying also called bullyng

bullying, also known as bullyng covers various situations of aggression and bullying among classmates.

bullyng comes from Bully (Bully in English), in recent times the media reporting on serious cases that cause serious emotional disorders, injuries and even deaths.

this situation is a priority commitment to education authorities, health and of course the families to contain and limit this serious problem that periodically affects thousands of children and young people in a not so silent.

Bullying is not the heritage of a social group. It's commonly found in affluent school classes and children and young people with fewer resources.

Bullying is divided into two categories:
  • direct Harassment: is the most common among children. Fighting and physical assault. Harassment
  • indirect: is more common among girls and in general from preadolescence.
claim is characterized by social isolation of the individual. This isolation is accomplished by various techniques including: spreading rumors, social reject contact with the victim, threaten your friends, critics of the person referring to their physical traits, social group, dress, religion, race, disability, etc.. Forms

bullying among
  • Speech such as insults, name-calling, speak ill of anyone, rumors, nasty comments, etc. Psychological
  • threats to accomplish something of the victim, to exercise power over her. Physical aggression
  • fights, beatings, small actions but exert negligible presiĆ³nsobre the individual to be repeatedly, petty theft.
  • social isolation, marginalization, ignoring their presence and not counting with his / her normal activities with friends or classmates.
Conditions for Bullying
  • The attacks occur on the same person (victim) repeatedly and for a long time.
  • The attacker establishes a relationship of dominance-submission of the victim. There is a clear imbalance of power between the aggressor and the victim.
  • Aggression is a pain not only at the time of the attack, but steadily, since it creates the expectation in the victim can be targeted for future attacks.
not all aggressive or conflicts that arise in a group can be considered harassment or abuse. The problems of coexistence, if
are solved properly contribute to the development of social skills.

The purpose of bullying is often a single student. You can exercise alone or in groups but are intimidated specific subjects. Never be intimidated by this group.

Who participates?

addition of the aggressor and the victim must include classmates, professors / teachers / school staff and parents.

all, one way or another, play a role in this situation of harassment.



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