Sunday, January 27, 2008

How To Build Mini Bike

Pediculosis in children

1 .- Why is it so hard to get rid of lice once they are installed on the scalp? How do they reproduce?

More than difficult to eliminate one could say it's very easy to get lice again and this occur frequently. Why does this happen? This happens because many times parents do not give timely notice that their children are parasites also occur due to lack of attention does not achieve a timely investigation.

When this happens, children with these parasites spread to playmates and started a whole cycle. On the other hand, often by parents ignorance is not an adequate treatment of all household members and all children likely to be infested. Thus one could postulate that many rules should start from the school itself about which are the instructions to perform.

When the female is fertilized, then starts laying. Just twenty-four hours later. And gets seven to eight eggs each day. And so for a month. And put them in the same hairline. That ensures the ideal temperature. The most striking is that these eggs will not peel off and fall, the female attaches to hair with a cement. This egg is called nits.

lays eggs at night. And each egg is attached to the hair. In total can lay between 150 and 300 eggs in its life cycle. What happens is that the hair, scratching, hair falling even make enough to decrease births.

2 .- What are lice and how are they? What is the difference between nits?

who has never seen a louse up close or not fixed in detail as it is worthwhile to submit it. The louse is an insect of elongated and flattened, no wings and is between 2 to 4 mm in length. Its general color is brown you can go from white to black depending on the amount of blood sucked and hair color of the person who has them.

has three pairs of legs with a curious peculiarity, the legs end in a kind of hooks, hooks to grab the hair or fibers.

The nits are whitish and ovoid appearance, are coated a protein structure that locks the hair, surrounding and have a sort of cap, where after ten days, the juvenile form emerges.

3 .- How are head lice spread?

The disease is spread by close contact between infected and healthy head. It is hard to see, because if it is not large displacement, the louse can move on foot, but it should be clear, the lice do not jump, and use tools such as combs, hair brushes, hats and less contact with bedding.

4 .- And when we realize that our child has lice or nits ... What should be the emergency plan? What to do? How do I remove them?

been found that the lice have pores called spiracles which on contact with water close by preventing entry of the body louse louse and therefore loses its effect.

For this reason it is recommended that the best treatment for the control head lice is the use of products that are applied to dry hair, as creams washable, avoiding the natural defense mechanism of the louse.

  1. treatment recommended product. As washable cream or lotion and applied to dry hair long. Do not use in pregnant women and in children under two years. Do not use if there are wounds and avoid contact with eyes. In hair dry completely cover the hair, especially in the neck and behind the ears. Allow to stand for at least 6 hours and not apply anything on the head, perhaps covered with a cap. Rinse with warm water, dry the hair and wash with shampoo 24 hours after application of the cream. Make
  2. treatment to all the family.
  3. Using appropriate brush to remove nits.
  4. Wash clothes with warm water and elements in contact with hair.
  5. give notice in the garden or school.
  6. After 7 days, repeat the treatment.
  7. review the child regularly for a month.
5 .- What is the right to use the comb?

The nits are located at the base of the hair and looking up strongly adhered to the hair also helps a lot the use of spices, will be patience, hair by hair, and the tribute to the patience, which will enable a month to register any child.

6 .- What is easier to remove: the nits (eggs) or lice?

Most head lice products are the same and also has an effect on the nits, however and is recommended for added security, use a week after the new treatment, thinking that has occurred and hatching of all eggs.
The cuticle that is highly resistant lining so it costs them out. An alternative is to slide along the hair, either manually one by one, or with the help of a fine-tooth comb. It is also good a vinegar rinse that breaks this cover being easier detachment.

7 .- Why these insects are always installed in the neck, behind the ear?

We have the idea that the invasion of head lice is very numerous. And it is not. Infected individual may have 30 or 40 lice. Nothing more. And always located in the neck area and behind the ears ... Because they lie there, not easy to explain. Perhaps because a higher temperature que tenemos en esa zona

8.- ¿Y qué podemos hacer para prevenirlos?


  • Evitar el uso de sombreros, peinetas, escobillas de otras personas.
  • Evitar el contacto cercano (cabeza) con personas infestadas.
  • Enviar los niños con el pelo amarrado o recogido al colegio.
  • Los utensilios (peines, cepillos) de personas infestadas, deben ser tratados con crema lavable Pediculicida.
  • Las sábanas y toallas deben ser lavados con agua caliente cuando se trata a una persona.
  • Se aconseja lavado frecuente del cabello y su uso corto y recogido.
9.- ¿Cuáles are the objects that need to be careful of possible infection?

lice can live between 15 and 38 degrees. But die more than 40 degrees .. The louse is the only food blood sucking for long periods, it is estimated that a louse is fed from 2 to 6 times a day, so out of touch with a human being could survive only 1 to 2 days.

Nits approximately 1 mm in length, with a small lid that opens at 5 to 10 days depending on body temperature.

The louse nymph or young. Juvenile similar to adult form but smaller for a period of three weeks.

adult louse is the one that is reproduced and placed between 7 to 10 eggs a day. Adult forms last from 30 to 40 days.

can live on average between 1 to two months.

10 .- If a child is very clean and hygienic, do I still can get lice?

hygiene decreases the number of births of new lice and also the habit of early screening and treatment. But all fall equally. Not influenced by season or time of year for breeding. Hence, the louse is a parasite permanently.

Head lice affects mainly children and women, perhaps because they wear their hair longer, or because of hormonal effects are lower in fat than men.

can also affect the pH or acidity level of the body in children, this is lower, as the amount of fat.

periodic inspection The habit is a healthy habit that all mothers should be especially if they are preschoolers or elementary education.

If you normally wash your hair every day and live under certain conditions of hygiene, lice will not increase, there is a kind of balance and will not feel so much trouble., However will continue infecting others , hiding his head like an ostrich and hurting those who struggle to get rid of these annoying visitors.

11 .- If after I made the treatment of the child is lice ... Do you need a haircut?

is very rare for a well made and thoroughly treatment fails to eradicate the lice of any child, so definitely the haircut "flush" is not considered necessary.

His control is the responsibility of the whole community, especially parents and educators.
are more annoying than dangerous.

only survive on humans and can not be spread through pets
Never use chlorine bleach, paraffin or petrol, is very dangerous. Via


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