Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pokemon Leafgreen For Osx

benefits of breast milk for the baby

There are many benefits associated with breastfeeding not only in the emotional and physical development of children but also the health of the mother and the rest of the sociedad.Estos benefits, the child will last a lifetime.

1. Benefits for baby
1.1. Emotional benefits

Breastfeeding helps create a bond between mother and child. Physical contact with the mother to a newborn may help you feel more secure.

1.2. Nutritional and growth

- Breast milk is the most complete food for infants.

- Breast milk composition is ideal for baby providing the ideal amount of water, sugars, fat and protein that your baby needs for optimal growth and development. Evita, also, excessive weight gain, which prevents obesity in later life. We have identified a protein (adiponectin) in breast milk appears to protect against obesity, diabetes and coronary artery disease.

- Digestion of human milk is generally better than formula milks.

- premature infants thrive when they are breastfed than when fed with formula.

- Some studies suggest that infants fed breast milk have a higher brain development and greater intelligence than those who are fed formula.

1.3. Immune-related benefits

- Breast milk has antibodies that protect babies against bacteria and viruses. Babies fed with breast milk best fight viral and bacterial infections, but also breast milk inhibits a fungal infection, candida albicans, in newborns. This fungus frequently causes inflammation of the mouth (thrush) and in the diaper area.

addition, there is less risk infections (particularly gastrointestinal) that can occur in children formula fed by improper handling and hygiene of bottles and teats.

- Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of allergies. The continuation of breastfeeding until at least four months protects against asthma and atopy.

- Studies have shown that the immune response in vaccination is better in breastfed infants.

1.4. Benefits to chronic

Multiple studies suggest that breastfed infants may have lower incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma.

1.5. Dental Benefits

- Breastfeeding helps the smooth running of the facial muscles and jaw bones of the baby. When output is produced milk teeth or primary teeth, the muscles of the face, tongue and the shape of the jaws play an important role in the position of permanent teeth, although they appear in the mouth only several years later.

- Prevent baby bottle tooth decay. They are very destructive caries are caused by prolonged contact of the baby's teeth with liquid from a bottle, milk or juice.
2. Benefits for the mother

2.1. Emotional benefits

- Breastfeeding mothers may have more confidence and greater union with their babies.

- Breastfeeding mothers require spend some quiet time for themselves and their babies.

2.2. physical benefits

- Breast-feeding mother spends calories, making it easier to lose the kilos gained during pregnancy.

- Breastfeeding also helps the uterus return to its original size. It also decreases bleeding that may occur in the postpartum woman.

- Mother breastfeeding delays the onset of normal ovulation and menstrual cycles.

- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer and may decrease the risk of ovarian cancer.

- The nursing mothers are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than women who do not breastfeed their children, according to a study by a team of Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston (USA) published in Arthritis and Rheumatism 2004; 50:3458-3467

2.3. Other major benefits

Breast milk is always ready. It is clean and in the best conditions of freshness. Also, in the best packaging (not to be sterilizable, awards and tributes or prepare), with the best nipple (the most adaptable, perfect consistency, not broken by suckles the baby swallows less air than the best of the teats).

addition, the temperature is always ideal and the ideal composition for each time of day for each day (we know that its composition varies depending on time of day, the time course of small and even the season).

3. Economic benefits

Breastfeeding saves time and money. The mother did not have to buy milk which saves money and time. Also, do not have to measure, mix and heat the formula. Nor has to wash and sterilize bottles and teats.

4. Social benefits

- Reduces health care costs because breastfed infants generally made fewer visits to the pediatrician, use less medication and require fewer hospitalizations.

- Businesses benefit because breastfeeding mothers miss less work because their babies get sick less often.

- Breastfeeding is best for the environment because they produce less plastic waste and garbage generated by artificial milk containers.


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