Friday, January 11, 2008

How To Get Static Out Of A Blanket

milk extraction

For working moms, it is essential to know that it is possible to express milk and store it. And for those who do not work, it is also important because they never needed to unforeseen forces us to separate a few hours of our baby, and so quiet we can go knowing that just get your food.

is also useful in the early weeks after childbirth, to relieve congestion of the breasts, or when the baby is premature or hospitalized. Or it may happen that the mother must take medicine for a while or undergo surgery, and in these cases have stored milk is very useful, and while we draw, we maintain milk production.

first thing to do is anticipate the situation, and start practicing maneuvers early removal of the milk to be "canchera" when the time comes, and to avoid certain contingencies.

For some moms it is easier to express milk by hand. If this is your case, there are some things you should know:

  • Wash hands thoroughly before starting.
  • Gently massage the breasts to stimulate let-down of milk (can also be after a warm shower or apply warm cloths for a few minutes.)
  • Take the chest with the hand, placing your thumb above the areola (the colored area around the nipple) and the other fingers underneath, as forming a letter "C".
  • fingers thrusting into the body and try to put together the thumb and forefinger. Repeat this move rhythmically.
  • Change this position to empty all ducts rotating fingers.
think fondly on the baby, look at a picture if it's not close, it helps to initiate a reflection of letdown, especially if the baby is premature and can not have much skin to skin contact. A clothes with your scent, or a Teddy in his crib that we can be of great help.

Other moms find it easier to use manual pump, readily available in pharmacies and baby businesses. To use, follow steps 1 and 2 as well as for manual removal.

pump pumps are also available, that can be purchased or rented and facilitate the extraction well for moms who are the other methods are difficult.

Once we find a suitable method for us, it is important to find a time of day that we feel comfortable to do and where we have good milk. For example, late in the afternoon are usually not a good time because most of them mothers milk production decreases.

need to know how much milk our baby, we store in small containers, and keep trying each time to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow our baby consumed at each feeding.

When it's time to go to work, the last thing you do before opening the door will wake the baby to nurse. And in return, the first thing we do is nurse the baby back. If the baby is bigger and the doctor authorizes it, the caregiver can "entertain" with other food until we get to avoid the use of bottles.

For us, everything depends on the type of work we do, and the hours we'll be away from home. Ideally you to express milk at work to avoid congestion of the breasts, and to maintain milk production. If you have a fridge in the office or in a neighboring business, we maintain the same milk for feeding the baby the next day. IF there is no such possibility, we must discard.

An interesting fact: In our country, Article 179 of the Contracts Act, Working Paper No. 20744 states that "the mother of the infant may have two half hour breaks to breastfeed her child in the course of the day job. " Enforces this law, and respect yourself that time for yourself.


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