Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Inexpensive Kafo Braces

Sleep Disorders In Children Bad

Sleep is a time of day or night of variable duration during which the children rest, made issues that concern them, physically and mentally mature, and learn to become independent from the rest of the world (especially mom and dad) for a few hours.

So it is not difficult to conclude that sleep seems to be a difficult task for children, a challenge, a time of great vulnerability.

Studies from the University of Colorado, all babies pass through cycles of light and deep sleep for one night.

Throughout development, is expected to wane first and second rise. Around the age of 4 months, the baby does sleep 3 or 4 hours.

Within this period is 90 minutes of deep sleep, and end sleep is light, almost a state of semialerta.

It is now when the baby is likely to wake up. Minutes later, enter the next phase of deep sleep, which will complete night's sleep about 8 hours.

The mode of action of the parents during this interval of wakefulness is essential.

If you turn on the light, raise the child or feed it is very unlikely to return to sleep so easily, and, worse, that the habit of sleep disruption becomes an annoying habit.

If on the contrary, waking up is not an immediate response, will be forced to find their own routine to continue sleeping.

These same studies, say the 24-hour circadian rhythm is already firmly established at birth as the baby learns them during pregnancy, accompanying the mother.

The baby already has its own way of sleeping and waking. Therefore, the task of parents is summarized simply to generate the right environment to continue the same pace.

That child is insomnia?
child Insomnia is a disorder characterized by any of the following situations:

a) Difficulty falling asleep only
b) Frequent night waking (between 3 and 15 times), with inability to fall asleep without parental help
c) Sleep superficial
d) Fewer hours of sleep than normal for their age

Children suffer insomnia for two main reasons
1 º) Acquisition erroneous habit of sleep, 70% of babies begin to sleep more than 4 hours straight after 3 months, and 83% sleep 8 hours to be 5 or 6 months.

However, after one year, there is still about 10% of children who do not sleep the whole night.
In this case the child should be re-educated and encouraged to sleep. Like all habits, it also learns through repetition, that is, insisting In the same tactic over and over again, very patiently, until the baby gets used to it.

The evening anger are counterproductive, as the baby is distressed and only will cry more, or decided to challenge our anger with a long sleepless night.

is common for parents to interpret the child wakes up to food demand, but in reality, from approximately 6 months, the body is unable to use glucose reserves to tolerate an overnight fast.

Therefore, it is likely that feeding in the middle of the night, only managed to give the baby a "good" idea that there is a valid reason to wake up.

2 º) Any change in the baby's routine (moving, birth of a sibling) or, in very active baby, any progress that will produce excitement maturation (learning to walk, crawl, etc).

In fact, infants are highly sensitive and perceptive, and sleep is usually the first sign that something different is happening.

This is normal and, thankfully, temporary.

After normalization of the situation or the baby is able to adapt to the new, back to sleep as before, without any difficulty.

Moreover, most children live in the moment of the night as a very dangerous time, because it departs from the caregivers.

At first it is very difficult for him to understand that this separation is temporary, so it is very scary and only quiet when they come to his aid.

Little by little, is the understanding that it is not abandoned, and will reach to see his crib, pacifier or favorite toy to pursue the dream.

It is therefore important to convey the assurance that the adult will remain with him during the night, and barely understands, progress in teaching to be a bit lonely.

Night is a continuation of the day, and baby there is no dividing line between them.

is why we should not be alarmed when the baby after one day "special" this difficulty sleeping, surely this will be temporary and all will return to normal quickly.

Learning to sleep alone at night is bound, no doubt, to the task of learning about independence, and this seems so simple, it is sometimes a challenge of parenting.



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