Monday, January 21, 2008

Cute 12 Year Old Birthday Sayings

Tips for choosing a good daycare

is important to choose a good school that is not limited to "monitor" the children, but they provide a welcoming environment in which professionals have formed an adequate basis for their development. The school has to give confidence to families and children. If parents are satisfied with the choice will be easier for your children accept change.

All schools, both public and private, must comply with the rules of the LOGSE (Law on the General Educational System), but although most meet the standards, should visit the facility and verify that indeed the case.

How many children must have a class?
The younger the children the greater the care they need. In schools, according to the legal framework can only be:

* In the case of children under 12 months, 8 children per class.
* If you have between one and two years, 20 children per class.
* If you have three and six years, 25 children per class.

What should be in space?
The space must be comprehensive and exclusive, with independent access to the outside. For each child two square feet minimum in the rooms. A child under two years, rest areas and hygiene must be differentiated. We must also have a multipurpose room. The dining room, for example.

Is it mandatory to have a pediatrician?
not required to have a pediatrician, but it is advisable to provide this medical service which has the function of prevention.

hygienic control What? There
periodic inspections by competent authorities to verify the perfect condition of the schools that must meet the ordinance to bring existing legislation and also have adequate space for the dining room and kitchen.

The playground
For every nine classrooms, with an area of \u200b\u200bnot less than 75 square meters, all primary schools must have an outdoor patio sets, only the school.



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