Tuesday, January 8, 2008

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About Down Syndrome

All children with Syndrome Down need to work together pediatricians, family and education to achieve their full development and improved quality of life possible.

Medical care is aimed at integrating the needs of children and their families and strengthen their capacities by promoting timely and appropriate.

health checks are important in the monitoring of every child and more so in children with Down syndrome.

controlorá pediatrician by the evolution of growth and neurological development, feeding behavior, vaccination and achievements at each stage of the child, the result of work with the facilitator, speech therapists, psychologist, family, etc.

birth controls allow the detection of health problems associated with the EMS. Down, such as congenital heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, orthopedic, ophthalmic, etc. The Down Syndrome is a genetic alteration at chromosome 21 that occurs at the moment of conception, to join the egg and sperm.
The cause that provokes it, so far unknown.

Both the egg and the sperm can have an extra chromosome.
Thus one of the two contribute 24 chromosomes instead of 23 and then a person born with Down syndrome, that have a total of 47 chromosomes, instead of the 46 relevant.
That extra chromosome in the pair will stay 21, so it is known TRISOMY 21 (3 copies of chromosome 21).

Anyone can have a child with Down syndrome, regardless of race, creed or social status. It is shown that the risk of procreating a child with Sme. Down materna.Esta increases with age also demonstrated that increased paternal age incementa risk.

Argentina and Latin America in the global incidence of Sme. Down is 1 in 670 live births

most common physical features in children with Down syndrome Flat face
  • Small nose separation of the eyes with broad nasal bridge
  • Obliquity of the eyelids
  • hands and short fingers
  • crease in palm
  • only
  • Decreased muscle tone (hypotonia)
  • Increased joint mobility (hypermobility) Stunting
  • low
    implantanción Ears
diagnosis who undergo is essentially clinical. This means that at the time of birth and, to certain physical features, you can have a presumption of the syndrome.

The child with Down syndrome should be monitored on a regular basis by the pediatrician.

is essential that the family aware of the need and importance of medical checks and that is how to prevent, order tests and consultations with other specialists (geneticist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, orthopedist, cardiologist, etc)
the first month of life will be necessary to confirm the diagnosis by genetic studies and liaison during the geneticist.
be requested consultations and studies to rule out heart disease, thyroid disorders, hip dysplasia, etc.

The pediatrician's role in this stage is very important because the family needs containment.
If need be offered psychological support and contact with other parents who pass through the same situation (Associations and Societies of Parents of Children with Down S.)

is important to encourage breastfeeding from the start as it will benefit from the fundamental nutritional Immunocompromised development and logically from the affective. Children with Down syndrome can develop their potential to learn and follow the same stages of development than other children, they will only slowly. Depend crucially on a strong family that will give them love and belonging and support professionals who first created them as "persons" and then as "people with Down Syndrome."

Source: zonapediatrica.com


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