Thursday, January 10, 2008

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Information About Premature Babies

all is considered premature baby born before 37 weeks gestational age (time of pregnancy).

controls during pregnancy, the doctor asks the mother's last menstrual date. When the mother is known with certainty, this is the most accurate data of gestational age.

can be accompanied by ultrasound in early pregnancy, and the data of measurements of abdominal growth.
words, with these simple facts of birth control, family and physicians can know the date from which the baby should be born. Attention

Within premature infants can differentiate the large, ie greater than 34 weeks, weighing close to 2 kg, which may require special neonatal controls, but have excellent potential as they are often mature enough to live outside the womb. Many

may be with the mother a few hours after birth.

Minors or 34 weeks requiring hospitalization in neonatal intensive care, and the greater retention in the lower age.

Premature infants of 25 to 28 weeks usually require 2 or 3 months of hospitalization.

Under 30 weeks and weighing less than 1000 grams are at high risk of losing their lives, the more the less specialized the neonatal center at birth. Why

born before?

There is no single cause.

Some data are at risk, such as teenage pregnancy, poor socioeconomic conditions, hypertension, diabetes, renal diseases, maternal heart or lung disease, infections during pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, uncontrolled pregnancy, fetal malformation.

Some mothers have had children and infants. In other pregnancies, premature birth is an unexpected event.

Be Prevented?

Management of pregnancy is the only measure to detect these problems.

In pregnancies in which preterm labor is triggered without prior suspicion, controls help to know how the baby will be premature if born, what chance is there that is mature, and with that decide whether to stop the pregnancy, neonatal alert and transfer the mother to center with neonatal care. Very Important

Speaking of prevention, premature babies should be born in specialized centers for care.

Transfer to a premature birth after subtracting mean chances of survival.
This is all the more important the lower the gestational age. How

whether it will be premature?

Gynecologists give the family a due date.

If before that date begins with contractions followed or the loss of fluid or blood, you should consult urgently.

gynecologist determine whether it is a threat of premature labor.

can stop preterm labor?

In many cases contractions can be stopped with medication. The more

may be better to delay the maturation of the baby, provided it is not life threatening, his mother or both if he remains in the uterus.

Mothers should receive as much as possible 48 hours of steroids, which accelerate the baby's lung maturity and reduce many complications.

Stop premature birth can also transfer the mother to the best possible center with neonatal care. What problems

gives the baby born prematurely?

again depends on the gestational age.

The breath itself is the first problem, the product mainly of immature lungs that may require minimum oxygen from halo, to artificial respiration.

This problem is much less when the mother of a child of 34 weeks received corticosteroids.

overcome the problem of breathing (if you have), the infants aged 34 weeks are pretty well.

Children this age are faced with the immaturity of all body organs.

Every family should be informed about the possibility of survival and complications in each center, after neonatologists looked at your baby.



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