Thursday, January 17, 2008

A.p Biology Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Problems

Skin Care for children and babies are the

Skincare in children

skin is defined as externally to the tissue covering the body of humans and animals.

is the largest organ and logically the most exposed to external factors are climate, clothing, water, sun lotions, powders, infections, etc. ..

also influence heredity, diseases of other organs or of the same skin, stress, and the proper care of it.

In this article our intention is to guide about the care of this noble organ.

We would also like to make a recommendation gold

"If your child has an injury or abnormal skin manifestations should be evaluated by the pediatrician or child dermatologist as there are countless types of diseases that require a appropriate diagnosis and for making this possible is essential to see and examine the patient as a whole. "

bath and your cares
Children can make the bathroom every day but it is recommended that they not be more than 25 minutes.

The water temperature must be 30 to 32 degrees Celsius and the temperature to be between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius

in children not use scented soaps or bath foam as it may favor the presence of irritation and dry skin.
Dry skin "pica" and the child are common lesions of scratching and superinfection of the same that may worsen the picture.

glycerin soaps are recommended neutral or oatmeal soaps that have the characteristics of maintaining proper skin hydration.

The shampoo should be hypoallergenic (there are very good at the commercial level) or else use the same soap.

As a matter of practicality the head should be washed prior to washing the body.

The baby is comforted in the water.

Drying the baby should be methodical avoid leaving damp and preferably using soft cotton towels.

some children prone to dry skin should use moisturizers soft brand is the doctor pediatrician or dermatologist who can recommend appropriate for your child.

Using perfumes, lotions and colognes

In daily practice is common to see the interest of the family in the use of lotions or perfumes in children.
do not recommend this practice in young children because it is the high percentage who have reactions to these products.

If used not to place directly on the child's skin, you can try putting a few drops (3 or 4) in the outer clothing should appear but a low skin irritation should be discontinued immediately.
With few apocrine glands do not have small unpleasant odor of sweat and hand on heart, not beautiful natural smell of babies?. Hygiene

The umbilical cord may be present in the first 2 weeks of life and hygiene are recommended for each diaper change use alcohol swabs to prevent infection, this type of hygiene should be done until about 48 hours after falling.

not the umbilical cord should be kept covered with gauze as this perpetuates the humidity of the area and therefore you challenge the normal drop it.

Hygiene Diaper region

The diaper area is recommended the use of such oil or failing oleocalcáreo common cooking oil.

abuse the use of water in this region favors and if we irritation leading to pee and poop enhance this risk.

hygiene should be from front to back in girls and in this way reduces the risk of urinary tract infections by "dragging bacteria."

areas in the folds (rolls) that abound in an infant should be dried thoroughly with a cotton towel as a place where moisture collects and this in turn fosters the development of diaper dermatitis.

Small in itself to have sensitive skin momentary redness may occur in the area without it being a frank dermatitis, but should note that progress be sure to consult with the professional in charge of monitoring child health.

Regarding the use of diapers are recommended for those with good brands and absorption properties.
Some diapers in some children produce and ????? nrojecimientos in the skin which may not be uncommon to have to try a few brands to find the right one for your baby.

Not all change in the color of the skin in the region is due to a diaper rash so one must be attentive but do not overdo.

ears and Hygiene
use soft cotton swabs can help the health of these areas but only if made in a superficial and external care.

These elements if used in greater depth may cause unnecessary injury to the baby's skin soft.

In short: allowed if used in a soft, superficial and without entering the nostrils or ears.
Scalp Seborrhea

A number of children have these costritas yellowish white on her scalp and eyebrow region.

is so often assumed as normal, tending to disappear spontaneously in the first months of life.

lotion can help with almond oil and then use a cardboard card with patience and gentleness out one by one these flakes.

Other Things ...
Encourage hand washing before food and after the game.

The use of moisturisers in children with dry skin is shown. Emulsions with oats are quite effective and have safety features that make them quite safe.

Educate your children about the importance of proper hygiene to prevent diseases and social contact.

Talk to your doctor about proper hygiene of children.


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