Thursday, January 31, 2008

Paypal Shipping Wrong Date

to be given milk to drink?

milk until just completed six months

The breast-fed infants need no other food before the five or six months, but sometimes the mother decides to replace before ( return to work, for example) a chest making bottles.

The most important rule is to plan for weaning time and place progressively, removing no more than a breastfeed every four or five days to allow both sides to adapt seamlessly to the new situation.

As regards the mother, this will allow the same law of supply and demand which was to increase milk production in response to the demand of the baby, now bring them back so as to empty the small left chest .

- even if you begin to replace a single dose, it is normal that at first the chest bother until the child empty to the next, only when completely free of discomfort, indicating that it has reached a new equilibrium, we may consider removing another shot, if desired.

with hunger, come

- A very hungry child worse accept any changes, hence, begin to replace the outlet that the child usually done with less interest, leaving the end of the first and last day.

- It is better to remove footage in turn, to be minor discomfort for the baby not be long without feeding as usual. For example, if the baby makes six shots and want to maintain the first and last, which is a fairly common situation working mothers in the logical order will start by eliminating the fifth, then the second, fourth and third.

If you have breast discomfort

- If during this process that produces a very uncomfortable engorgement, the mother or child, depending on circumstances, will empty the breast, but only what is necessary to make tolerable discomfort because Otherwise, milk production ceases and the situation will continue indefinitely. If the child does, with a half minutes on each breast is usually sufficient.

firm decisions

However, the most problematic part of weaning is often the reaction Baby, to overcome, it requires a balanced combination of firmness, understanding and security:

- Failure to yield and not to breastfeed until making that product, offering, without forcing, a bottle of milk.

- Do not lose the "carat" or nerves and even less angry, because the child's reaction is perfectly normal and need to check that has not changed his mother's affection.

- Be absolutely convinced that nothing will happen not to breastfeed while having a bottle around, and finally, everybody just accept it and learn that the bottle may also in abundance.

sometimes just take a spoon

If the baby's refusal made him skip a shot, the next time you should try, you can try to prepare a bottle of milk, because sometimes it is not what they reject the bottle but the taste of the new milk. In that case, the change will be even more gradual, from breast milk in this bottle and the bottle with regular milk for babies.

may also help that is not the mother who bottle-feed, so that the child does not get so nervous. Even if you accept it, you may notice less the change if it is she who is feeding him.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Directions For Rite Aid Pink Pregnancy Box

Because it is important to protect children from the sun

is especially harmful to very young children, that should always be protected from direct sunlight. The protection of children from the sun not only prevents sunburn, but also significantly reduces the risk of developing skin cancer in the future.

50% of the time in life sun exposure occurs during childhood. The air or water can cool the skin of children playing in the sun, so that is not noticed excessive exposure to sunlight.

Some children are sensitive to sunlight and can develop solar flares.

Finally, remember that the sun can reduce the effectiveness of defenses the body. This is because it is often in the early days of pool or beach, the child suffers depletion events, including fever.

How to protect children in the sun
  • sun always fully protect all children with very pale skin, as they will burn easily.
  • never exposed to direct sunlight and if this happens, use a sunscreen.
  • Ideally, children play in the shade with light clothes, comfortable and suitable to the environment where they are, and a cap job.
  • sunscreen use should never allow an increased time in the sun.
  • Never use less than 20cc of sunscreen in children to apply it throughout your body.
  • Remember that some sunscreens disappear on contact with water, sweat, by rubbing with towels or clothes and during the game.
  • Reapply sunscreen several times while passing day in the sun.
  • Protect children from sun exposure between 10:00 and 14:00, when the sun's rays are strongest.
  • should stay in the shade as much as possible. Children
  • they should be given a sunscreen with a high protection factor
"What you should know about sunscreen?

There are several ways to specify the protection factor (SPF) of a product, so remember to check which system is used when you buy a sunscreen. For example, Americans FPS numbers are usually double the SPF numbers on European products. That is, an American sunscreen with SPF 8 is, in fact, a European equivalent to an SPF 4. Always ask your pharmacist if you have any questions.

are advised to apply sunscreen several times a day consistently.

Remember that even when it is cloudy, 30-50% of ultraviolet rays can still catching up, depending on the amount of cloudiness.

How to act in case of sunburn?

Always consult a doctor if a small child or infant has sunburn, blisters, severe pain or rash after sun exposure.

calamine lotions cool sunburn.

Cool sunburned area with warm water baths (25 ° C approximately) 30 minutes to an hour.

Take care that the child is not cool.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

How To Build Mini Bike

Pediculosis in children

1 .- Why is it so hard to get rid of lice once they are installed on the scalp? How do they reproduce?

More than difficult to eliminate one could say it's very easy to get lice again and this occur frequently. Why does this happen? This happens because many times parents do not give timely notice that their children are parasites also occur due to lack of attention does not achieve a timely investigation.

When this happens, children with these parasites spread to playmates and started a whole cycle. On the other hand, often by parents ignorance is not an adequate treatment of all household members and all children likely to be infested. Thus one could postulate that many rules should start from the school itself about which are the instructions to perform.

When the female is fertilized, then starts laying. Just twenty-four hours later. And gets seven to eight eggs each day. And so for a month. And put them in the same hairline. That ensures the ideal temperature. The most striking is that these eggs will not peel off and fall, the female attaches to hair with a cement. This egg is called nits.

lays eggs at night. And each egg is attached to the hair. In total can lay between 150 and 300 eggs in its life cycle. What happens is that the hair, scratching, hair falling even make enough to decrease births.

2 .- What are lice and how are they? What is the difference between nits?

who has never seen a louse up close or not fixed in detail as it is worthwhile to submit it. The louse is an insect of elongated and flattened, no wings and is between 2 to 4 mm in length. Its general color is brown you can go from white to black depending on the amount of blood sucked and hair color of the person who has them.

has three pairs of legs with a curious peculiarity, the legs end in a kind of hooks, hooks to grab the hair or fibers.

The nits are whitish and ovoid appearance, are coated a protein structure that locks the hair, surrounding and have a sort of cap, where after ten days, the juvenile form emerges.

3 .- How are head lice spread?

The disease is spread by close contact between infected and healthy head. It is hard to see, because if it is not large displacement, the louse can move on foot, but it should be clear, the lice do not jump, and use tools such as combs, hair brushes, hats and less contact with bedding.

4 .- And when we realize that our child has lice or nits ... What should be the emergency plan? What to do? How do I remove them?

been found that the lice have pores called spiracles which on contact with water close by preventing entry of the body louse louse and therefore loses its effect.

For this reason it is recommended that the best treatment for the control head lice is the use of products that are applied to dry hair, as creams washable, avoiding the natural defense mechanism of the louse.

  1. treatment recommended product. As washable cream or lotion and applied to dry hair long. Do not use in pregnant women and in children under two years. Do not use if there are wounds and avoid contact with eyes. In hair dry completely cover the hair, especially in the neck and behind the ears. Allow to stand for at least 6 hours and not apply anything on the head, perhaps covered with a cap. Rinse with warm water, dry the hair and wash with shampoo 24 hours after application of the cream. Make
  2. treatment to all the family.
  3. Using appropriate brush to remove nits.
  4. Wash clothes with warm water and elements in contact with hair.
  5. give notice in the garden or school.
  6. After 7 days, repeat the treatment.
  7. review the child regularly for a month.
5 .- What is the right to use the comb?

The nits are located at the base of the hair and looking up strongly adhered to the hair also helps a lot the use of spices, will be patience, hair by hair, and the tribute to the patience, which will enable a month to register any child.

6 .- What is easier to remove: the nits (eggs) or lice?

Most head lice products are the same and also has an effect on the nits, however and is recommended for added security, use a week after the new treatment, thinking that has occurred and hatching of all eggs.
The cuticle that is highly resistant lining so it costs them out. An alternative is to slide along the hair, either manually one by one, or with the help of a fine-tooth comb. It is also good a vinegar rinse that breaks this cover being easier detachment.

7 .- Why these insects are always installed in the neck, behind the ear?

We have the idea that the invasion of head lice is very numerous. And it is not. Infected individual may have 30 or 40 lice. Nothing more. And always located in the neck area and behind the ears ... Because they lie there, not easy to explain. Perhaps because a higher temperature que tenemos en esa zona

8.- ¿Y qué podemos hacer para prevenirlos?


  • Evitar el uso de sombreros, peinetas, escobillas de otras personas.
  • Evitar el contacto cercano (cabeza) con personas infestadas.
  • Enviar los niños con el pelo amarrado o recogido al colegio.
  • Los utensilios (peines, cepillos) de personas infestadas, deben ser tratados con crema lavable Pediculicida.
  • Las sábanas y toallas deben ser lavados con agua caliente cuando se trata a una persona.
  • Se aconseja lavado frecuente del cabello y su uso corto y recogido.
9.- ¿Cuáles are the objects that need to be careful of possible infection?

lice can live between 15 and 38 degrees. But die more than 40 degrees .. The louse is the only food blood sucking for long periods, it is estimated that a louse is fed from 2 to 6 times a day, so out of touch with a human being could survive only 1 to 2 days.

Nits approximately 1 mm in length, with a small lid that opens at 5 to 10 days depending on body temperature.

The louse nymph or young. Juvenile similar to adult form but smaller for a period of three weeks.

adult louse is the one that is reproduced and placed between 7 to 10 eggs a day. Adult forms last from 30 to 40 days.

can live on average between 1 to two months.

10 .- If a child is very clean and hygienic, do I still can get lice?

hygiene decreases the number of births of new lice and also the habit of early screening and treatment. But all fall equally. Not influenced by season or time of year for breeding. Hence, the louse is a parasite permanently.

Head lice affects mainly children and women, perhaps because they wear their hair longer, or because of hormonal effects are lower in fat than men.

can also affect the pH or acidity level of the body in children, this is lower, as the amount of fat.

periodic inspection The habit is a healthy habit that all mothers should be especially if they are preschoolers or elementary education.

If you normally wash your hair every day and live under certain conditions of hygiene, lice will not increase, there is a kind of balance and will not feel so much trouble., However will continue infecting others , hiding his head like an ostrich and hurting those who struggle to get rid of these annoying visitors.

11 .- If after I made the treatment of the child is lice ... Do you need a haircut?

is very rare for a well made and thoroughly treatment fails to eradicate the lice of any child, so definitely the haircut "flush" is not considered necessary.

His control is the responsibility of the whole community, especially parents and educators.
are more annoying than dangerous.

only survive on humans and can not be spread through pets
Never use chlorine bleach, paraffin or petrol, is very dangerous. Via

Friday, January 25, 2008

Will Hair Grow Back Afte Scabies

natural childbirth or Caesarea

few years ago, cesarean section or natural birth was not a personal choice but doctors, but now this has changed and is an alternative in most cases.

Italy is the country with more caesarean sections in the world by percentage of the population in Latin America is Chile. U.S. takes third place worldwide.

Sometimes women need cesarean sections in other cases is chosen for convenience, to avoid risks and even myths. Some clinical practice more caesarean sections than others, like some doctors. Try to find out if your doctor or clinic practice high numbers of Caesarean sections.

Both procedures have advantages and disadvantages.

advantages of natural childbirth 1-When it comes to a vaginal delivery can say that most of aches and pains are for the period from birth, but in the case of caesarean section are pain after childbirth.

2-Recovery from a vaginal delivery is faster, almost immediately after delivery the woman feels well and can fit into your normal life.

3-When women have children by natural childbirth can choose to have them followed if desired.

4 - It is difficult to improve what nature gave and natural childbirth is that, the natural way of having children. Advantages

1 - There is less risk of complications for the baby.

2 - Do you suffer from pain before birth, as this is scheduled.

3 - No surprises you when you know where and when the baby is born.

4 - vaginal area does not suffer any trauma. This is less likely to suffer from incontinence and infrequent cases of intimate problems.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Cute 12 Year Old Birthday Sayings

Tips for choosing a good daycare

is important to choose a good school that is not limited to "monitor" the children, but they provide a welcoming environment in which professionals have formed an adequate basis for their development. The school has to give confidence to families and children. If parents are satisfied with the choice will be easier for your children accept change.

All schools, both public and private, must comply with the rules of the LOGSE (Law on the General Educational System), but although most meet the standards, should visit the facility and verify that indeed the case.

How many children must have a class?
The younger the children the greater the care they need. In schools, according to the legal framework can only be:

* In the case of children under 12 months, 8 children per class.
* If you have between one and two years, 20 children per class.
* If you have three and six years, 25 children per class.

What should be in space?
The space must be comprehensive and exclusive, with independent access to the outside. For each child two square feet minimum in the rooms. A child under two years, rest areas and hygiene must be differentiated. We must also have a multipurpose room. The dining room, for example.

Is it mandatory to have a pediatrician?
not required to have a pediatrician, but it is advisable to provide this medical service which has the function of prevention.

hygienic control What? There
periodic inspections by competent authorities to verify the perfect condition of the schools that must meet the ordinance to bring existing legislation and also have adequate space for the dining room and kitchen.

The playground
For every nine classrooms, with an area of \u200b\u200bnot less than 75 square meters, all primary schools must have an outdoor patio sets, only the school.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Melacare Have Expiry Date

is the composition of breast milk

lthough the composition varies from one woman to another, from one day to another, even within the same day and same outlet as well as gestational age of the child, can be summarized the salient features of the composition as follows.
1. Content of breast milk

Low-protein (0.9 to 1.1 g/100 ml), adapted to their growth rate. The ratio of casein / serum proteins is of 10/90 at the beginning of lactation, going to 40/60 in mature milk.

contains a significant amount of non-protein nitrogen and the presence of certain amino acids essential for newborn (as phenylalanine and tyrosine).

- is also high in lactose, galactose source necessary for brain maturation, which maintains a low pH in the intestine, and that encourages the development of intestinal flora peculiar undoubted defensive benefits.

- monounsaturated fatty acid contains long-chain, higher heat output, easily absorbed, and no atherogenic effect.

abundant polyunsaturated fatty acids essential to human beings, and indispensable for the formation of large structures (brain, retina, or cell membranes among others) or for the synthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxanes and other biological substances.

- Low in minerals, and a ratio of calcium to phosphorus that promotes the absorption of calcium and facilitates bone mineralization.

- Contains sufficient vitamins and presence of enzymes and hormones.

2. What makes it unique?

- Allows achieve optimal nutritional status, prevent metabolic and digestive disorders, because the composition of the diet did not represent at any time an overload of the functional capacity of the digestive tract.

- Breast milk also supplies anti-infective and allergy protection. The anti-infective effect is because the baby receives nutrients not only for milk. Furthermore, in its composition there are a number of substances which, by different mechanisms, will provide a local defense against infectious agents (passive immunity provided by the mother), while mature mechanisms enabling it to have its own active immunity.

These substances can include lactoferrin, the protein binding of vitamin B12, folic acid binding protein, various enzymes (lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, etc.), gangliosides, oligosaccharides, antistaphylococcal factor, growth factors, etc.) nucleotides, cells with defensive properties, immunoglobulins.

this chapter may constitute greater weight to lift the breast milk of the category of "imitable" to the "unbeatable."
3. Your composition is constant or can change?
- As the requirements infant are not always the same, and vary mainly depending on the maturity at birth and postnatal age, breast milk changes its characteristics according to the child's demands, their ability to digest and metabolize the various nutrients and more or less need to take to receive passive protection, circumstances under permanent evolution.

- Breast milk is tailored to their nutritional requirements. Both the volume of milk, and quality of nutrients and other factors defensive mission, will be found in breast milk in perfect harmony with the needs required at all times.

- The volume of milk produced by mothers increases progressively from a few cubic centimeters segregated on the first day (consistent with the limited capacity of the newborn stomach at the end, that fails to exceed 30 or 35 ml., being significantly lower in the premature). This growth

reach 700 or 900 ml / day on average, women often results in a fully established lactation stage. There is already talk of outstanding productions when exceeding 1,100 ml. of milk daily.

- Breast milk adapts to the appetite. The composition of breast milk varies throughout the day and even during the course of a single shot.

- Adapts to maturity: Its quantity and its composition varies with the degree of maturity of the child.

- also adapts to the digestive and metabolic capabilities.

4. Advantages and disadvantages

- Benefits for children: For the child are almost all profit. Breastfeeding provides better digestive and metabolic status, better nutritional status, greater immune protection, reduced risk of allergic sensitization, better psychological development, fewer illnesses and infant mortality and prevention of subsequent disorders.

- for children Disadvantages: They are minimal and in exceptional cases. As we know a small percentage of infants Breastfed babies have jaundice. It is also true that the level of a protein necessary for blood to clot well (prothrombin) is lower during the first days in the breastfed baby to breast in the breast-fed artificially.

is thought that breastfeeding is a factor which, in rare cases, could promote hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, but if the first intake of food is done early in the first hours after birth, as is right, this factor has little importance.

Vitamin D may be insufficient, so it will not be forgotten supplements to infants (formula bottles have already adapted the incorporated).

Finally, there may be diseases in the newborn if lactation is insufficient or if it contains too much sodium, or contaminant.

could not breastfeed if you have congenital diseases of metabolism (phenylketonuria, tyrosinemia, galactosemia) and also the condition by the mother of some infections (HIV, active tunerculosis cavity, etc.).

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A.p Biology Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Problems

Skin Care for children and babies are the

Skincare in children

skin is defined as externally to the tissue covering the body of humans and animals.

is the largest organ and logically the most exposed to external factors are climate, clothing, water, sun lotions, powders, infections, etc. ..

also influence heredity, diseases of other organs or of the same skin, stress, and the proper care of it.

In this article our intention is to guide about the care of this noble organ.

We would also like to make a recommendation gold

"If your child has an injury or abnormal skin manifestations should be evaluated by the pediatrician or child dermatologist as there are countless types of diseases that require a appropriate diagnosis and for making this possible is essential to see and examine the patient as a whole. "

bath and your cares
Children can make the bathroom every day but it is recommended that they not be more than 25 minutes.

The water temperature must be 30 to 32 degrees Celsius and the temperature to be between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius

in children not use scented soaps or bath foam as it may favor the presence of irritation and dry skin.
Dry skin "pica" and the child are common lesions of scratching and superinfection of the same that may worsen the picture.

glycerin soaps are recommended neutral or oatmeal soaps that have the characteristics of maintaining proper skin hydration.

The shampoo should be hypoallergenic (there are very good at the commercial level) or else use the same soap.

As a matter of practicality the head should be washed prior to washing the body.

The baby is comforted in the water.

Drying the baby should be methodical avoid leaving damp and preferably using soft cotton towels.

some children prone to dry skin should use moisturizers soft brand is the doctor pediatrician or dermatologist who can recommend appropriate for your child.

Using perfumes, lotions and colognes

In daily practice is common to see the interest of the family in the use of lotions or perfumes in children.
do not recommend this practice in young children because it is the high percentage who have reactions to these products.

If used not to place directly on the child's skin, you can try putting a few drops (3 or 4) in the outer clothing should appear but a low skin irritation should be discontinued immediately.
With few apocrine glands do not have small unpleasant odor of sweat and hand on heart, not beautiful natural smell of babies?. Hygiene

The umbilical cord may be present in the first 2 weeks of life and hygiene are recommended for each diaper change use alcohol swabs to prevent infection, this type of hygiene should be done until about 48 hours after falling.

not the umbilical cord should be kept covered with gauze as this perpetuates the humidity of the area and therefore you challenge the normal drop it.

Hygiene Diaper region

The diaper area is recommended the use of such oil or failing oleocalcáreo common cooking oil.

abuse the use of water in this region favors and if we irritation leading to pee and poop enhance this risk.

hygiene should be from front to back in girls and in this way reduces the risk of urinary tract infections by "dragging bacteria."

areas in the folds (rolls) that abound in an infant should be dried thoroughly with a cotton towel as a place where moisture collects and this in turn fosters the development of diaper dermatitis.

Small in itself to have sensitive skin momentary redness may occur in the area without it being a frank dermatitis, but should note that progress be sure to consult with the professional in charge of monitoring child health.

Regarding the use of diapers are recommended for those with good brands and absorption properties.
Some diapers in some children produce and ????? nrojecimientos in the skin which may not be uncommon to have to try a few brands to find the right one for your baby.

Not all change in the color of the skin in the region is due to a diaper rash so one must be attentive but do not overdo.

ears and Hygiene
use soft cotton swabs can help the health of these areas but only if made in a superficial and external care.

These elements if used in greater depth may cause unnecessary injury to the baby's skin soft.

In short: allowed if used in a soft, superficial and without entering the nostrils or ears.
Scalp Seborrhea

A number of children have these costritas yellowish white on her scalp and eyebrow region.

is so often assumed as normal, tending to disappear spontaneously in the first months of life.

lotion can help with almond oil and then use a cardboard card with patience and gentleness out one by one these flakes.

Other Things ...
Encourage hand washing before food and after the game.

The use of moisturisers in children with dry skin is shown. Emulsions with oats are quite effective and have safety features that make them quite safe.

Educate your children about the importance of proper hygiene to prevent diseases and social contact.

Talk to your doctor about proper hygiene of children.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pokemon Leafgreen For Osx

benefits of breast milk for the baby

There are many benefits associated with breastfeeding not only in the emotional and physical development of children but also the health of the mother and the rest of the sociedad.Estos benefits, the child will last a lifetime.

1. Benefits for baby
1.1. Emotional benefits

Breastfeeding helps create a bond between mother and child. Physical contact with the mother to a newborn may help you feel more secure.

1.2. Nutritional and growth

- Breast milk is the most complete food for infants.

- Breast milk composition is ideal for baby providing the ideal amount of water, sugars, fat and protein that your baby needs for optimal growth and development. Evita, also, excessive weight gain, which prevents obesity in later life. We have identified a protein (adiponectin) in breast milk appears to protect against obesity, diabetes and coronary artery disease.

- Digestion of human milk is generally better than formula milks.

- premature infants thrive when they are breastfed than when fed with formula.

- Some studies suggest that infants fed breast milk have a higher brain development and greater intelligence than those who are fed formula.

1.3. Immune-related benefits

- Breast milk has antibodies that protect babies against bacteria and viruses. Babies fed with breast milk best fight viral and bacterial infections, but also breast milk inhibits a fungal infection, candida albicans, in newborns. This fungus frequently causes inflammation of the mouth (thrush) and in the diaper area.

addition, there is less risk infections (particularly gastrointestinal) that can occur in children formula fed by improper handling and hygiene of bottles and teats.

- Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of allergies. The continuation of breastfeeding until at least four months protects against asthma and atopy.

- Studies have shown that the immune response in vaccination is better in breastfed infants.

1.4. Benefits to chronic

Multiple studies suggest that breastfed infants may have lower incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma.

1.5. Dental Benefits

- Breastfeeding helps the smooth running of the facial muscles and jaw bones of the baby. When output is produced milk teeth or primary teeth, the muscles of the face, tongue and the shape of the jaws play an important role in the position of permanent teeth, although they appear in the mouth only several years later.

- Prevent baby bottle tooth decay. They are very destructive caries are caused by prolonged contact of the baby's teeth with liquid from a bottle, milk or juice.
2. Benefits for the mother

2.1. Emotional benefits

- Breastfeeding mothers may have more confidence and greater union with their babies.

- Breastfeeding mothers require spend some quiet time for themselves and their babies.

2.2. physical benefits

- Breast-feeding mother spends calories, making it easier to lose the kilos gained during pregnancy.

- Breastfeeding also helps the uterus return to its original size. It also decreases bleeding that may occur in the postpartum woman.

- Mother breastfeeding delays the onset of normal ovulation and menstrual cycles.

- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer and may decrease the risk of ovarian cancer.

- The nursing mothers are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than women who do not breastfeed their children, according to a study by a team of Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston (USA) published in Arthritis and Rheumatism 2004; 50:3458-3467

2.3. Other major benefits

Breast milk is always ready. It is clean and in the best conditions of freshness. Also, in the best packaging (not to be sterilizable, awards and tributes or prepare), with the best nipple (the most adaptable, perfect consistency, not broken by suckles the baby swallows less air than the best of the teats).

addition, the temperature is always ideal and the ideal composition for each time of day for each day (we know that its composition varies depending on time of day, the time course of small and even the season).

3. Economic benefits

Breastfeeding saves time and money. The mother did not have to buy milk which saves money and time. Also, do not have to measure, mix and heat the formula. Nor has to wash and sterilize bottles and teats.

4. Social benefits

- Reduces health care costs because breastfed infants generally made fewer visits to the pediatrician, use less medication and require fewer hospitalizations.

- Businesses benefit because breastfeeding mothers miss less work because their babies get sick less often.

- Breastfeeding is best for the environment because they produce less plastic waste and garbage generated by artificial milk containers.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sti Which Year More Reliable

breast surgery and breast

Today there is a large increase in breast surgery for cosmetic purposes, and even younger ages.

problems may occur related to breastfeeding in these cases, which we consider important to give information.

The most common breast surgeries are
  • Implant Placement

Breast Reduction Implant Placement breastfeeding is not contraindicated, there is evidence that silicone implants do not present danger to the baby.

women with implants may experience greater stress and insufficient production of breast milk was higher if the incision is periareolar.

Exclusive breastfeeding is possible in this case whether it is constant.

reduction surgery in the feeding opportunities depend on the type of surgical technique. In general, exclusive breastfeeding is more difficult to be necessary in most cases the use of complement (infant formula).

We suggest: Make
  • prenatal breast exam Perform
Learn about breastfeeding in these conditions and their probable complications.

Friday, January 11, 2008

How To Get Static Out Of A Blanket

milk extraction

For working moms, it is essential to know that it is possible to express milk and store it. And for those who do not work, it is also important because they never needed to unforeseen forces us to separate a few hours of our baby, and so quiet we can go knowing that just get your food.

is also useful in the early weeks after childbirth, to relieve congestion of the breasts, or when the baby is premature or hospitalized. Or it may happen that the mother must take medicine for a while or undergo surgery, and in these cases have stored milk is very useful, and while we draw, we maintain milk production.

first thing to do is anticipate the situation, and start practicing maneuvers early removal of the milk to be "canchera" when the time comes, and to avoid certain contingencies.

For some moms it is easier to express milk by hand. If this is your case, there are some things you should know:

  • Wash hands thoroughly before starting.
  • Gently massage the breasts to stimulate let-down of milk (can also be after a warm shower or apply warm cloths for a few minutes.)
  • Take the chest with the hand, placing your thumb above the areola (the colored area around the nipple) and the other fingers underneath, as forming a letter "C".
  • fingers thrusting into the body and try to put together the thumb and forefinger. Repeat this move rhythmically.
  • Change this position to empty all ducts rotating fingers.
think fondly on the baby, look at a picture if it's not close, it helps to initiate a reflection of letdown, especially if the baby is premature and can not have much skin to skin contact. A clothes with your scent, or a Teddy in his crib that we can be of great help.

Other moms find it easier to use manual pump, readily available in pharmacies and baby businesses. To use, follow steps 1 and 2 as well as for manual removal.

pump pumps are also available, that can be purchased or rented and facilitate the extraction well for moms who are the other methods are difficult.

Once we find a suitable method for us, it is important to find a time of day that we feel comfortable to do and where we have good milk. For example, late in the afternoon are usually not a good time because most of them mothers milk production decreases.

need to know how much milk our baby, we store in small containers, and keep trying each time to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow our baby consumed at each feeding.

When it's time to go to work, the last thing you do before opening the door will wake the baby to nurse. And in return, the first thing we do is nurse the baby back. If the baby is bigger and the doctor authorizes it, the caregiver can "entertain" with other food until we get to avoid the use of bottles.

For us, everything depends on the type of work we do, and the hours we'll be away from home. Ideally you to express milk at work to avoid congestion of the breasts, and to maintain milk production. If you have a fridge in the office or in a neighboring business, we maintain the same milk for feeding the baby the next day. IF there is no such possibility, we must discard.

An interesting fact: In our country, Article 179 of the Contracts Act, Working Paper No. 20744 states that "the mother of the infant may have two half hour breaks to breastfeed her child in the course of the day job. " Enforces this law, and respect yourself that time for yourself.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

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Information About Premature Babies

all is considered premature baby born before 37 weeks gestational age (time of pregnancy).

controls during pregnancy, the doctor asks the mother's last menstrual date. When the mother is known with certainty, this is the most accurate data of gestational age.

can be accompanied by ultrasound in early pregnancy, and the data of measurements of abdominal growth.
words, with these simple facts of birth control, family and physicians can know the date from which the baby should be born. Attention

Within premature infants can differentiate the large, ie greater than 34 weeks, weighing close to 2 kg, which may require special neonatal controls, but have excellent potential as they are often mature enough to live outside the womb. Many

may be with the mother a few hours after birth.

Minors or 34 weeks requiring hospitalization in neonatal intensive care, and the greater retention in the lower age.

Premature infants of 25 to 28 weeks usually require 2 or 3 months of hospitalization.

Under 30 weeks and weighing less than 1000 grams are at high risk of losing their lives, the more the less specialized the neonatal center at birth. Why

born before?

There is no single cause.

Some data are at risk, such as teenage pregnancy, poor socioeconomic conditions, hypertension, diabetes, renal diseases, maternal heart or lung disease, infections during pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, uncontrolled pregnancy, fetal malformation.

Some mothers have had children and infants. In other pregnancies, premature birth is an unexpected event.

Be Prevented?

Management of pregnancy is the only measure to detect these problems.

In pregnancies in which preterm labor is triggered without prior suspicion, controls help to know how the baby will be premature if born, what chance is there that is mature, and with that decide whether to stop the pregnancy, neonatal alert and transfer the mother to center with neonatal care. Very Important

Speaking of prevention, premature babies should be born in specialized centers for care.

Transfer to a premature birth after subtracting mean chances of survival.
This is all the more important the lower the gestational age. How

whether it will be premature?

Gynecologists give the family a due date.

If before that date begins with contractions followed or the loss of fluid or blood, you should consult urgently.

gynecologist determine whether it is a threat of premature labor.

can stop preterm labor?

In many cases contractions can be stopped with medication. The more

may be better to delay the maturation of the baby, provided it is not life threatening, his mother or both if he remains in the uterus.

Mothers should receive as much as possible 48 hours of steroids, which accelerate the baby's lung maturity and reduce many complications.

Stop premature birth can also transfer the mother to the best possible center with neonatal care. What problems

gives the baby born prematurely?

again depends on the gestational age.

The breath itself is the first problem, the product mainly of immature lungs that may require minimum oxygen from halo, to artificial respiration.

This problem is much less when the mother of a child of 34 weeks received corticosteroids.

overcome the problem of breathing (if you have), the infants aged 34 weeks are pretty well.

Children this age are faced with the immaturity of all body organs.

Every family should be informed about the possibility of survival and complications in each center, after neonatologists looked at your baby.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

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Bullying also called bullyng

bullying, also known as bullyng covers various situations of aggression and bullying among classmates.

bullyng comes from Bully (Bully in English), in recent times the media reporting on serious cases that cause serious emotional disorders, injuries and even deaths.

this situation is a priority commitment to education authorities, health and of course the families to contain and limit this serious problem that periodically affects thousands of children and young people in a not so silent.

Bullying is not the heritage of a social group. It's commonly found in affluent school classes and children and young people with fewer resources.

Bullying is divided into two categories:
  • direct Harassment: is the most common among children. Fighting and physical assault. Harassment
  • indirect: is more common among girls and in general from preadolescence.
claim is characterized by social isolation of the individual. This isolation is accomplished by various techniques including: spreading rumors, social reject contact with the victim, threaten your friends, critics of the person referring to their physical traits, social group, dress, religion, race, disability, etc.. Forms

bullying among
  • Speech such as insults, name-calling, speak ill of anyone, rumors, nasty comments, etc. Psychological
  • threats to accomplish something of the victim, to exercise power over her. Physical aggression
  • fights, beatings, small actions but exert negligible presiónsobre the individual to be repeatedly, petty theft.
  • social isolation, marginalization, ignoring their presence and not counting with his / her normal activities with friends or classmates.
Conditions for Bullying
  • The attacks occur on the same person (victim) repeatedly and for a long time.
  • The attacker establishes a relationship of dominance-submission of the victim. There is a clear imbalance of power between the aggressor and the victim.
  • Aggression is a pain not only at the time of the attack, but steadily, since it creates the expectation in the victim can be targeted for future attacks.
not all aggressive or conflicts that arise in a group can be considered harassment or abuse. The problems of coexistence, if
are solved properly contribute to the development of social skills.

The purpose of bullying is often a single student. You can exercise alone or in groups but are intimidated specific subjects. Never be intimidated by this group.

Who participates?

addition of the aggressor and the victim must include classmates, professors / teachers / school staff and parents.

all, one way or another, play a role in this situation of harassment.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

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About Down Syndrome

All children with Syndrome Down need to work together pediatricians, family and education to achieve their full development and improved quality of life possible.

Medical care is aimed at integrating the needs of children and their families and strengthen their capacities by promoting timely and appropriate.

health checks are important in the monitoring of every child and more so in children with Down syndrome.

controlorá pediatrician by the evolution of growth and neurological development, feeding behavior, vaccination and achievements at each stage of the child, the result of work with the facilitator, speech therapists, psychologist, family, etc.

birth controls allow the detection of health problems associated with the EMS. Down, such as congenital heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, orthopedic, ophthalmic, etc. The Down Syndrome is a genetic alteration at chromosome 21 that occurs at the moment of conception, to join the egg and sperm.
The cause that provokes it, so far unknown.

Both the egg and the sperm can have an extra chromosome.
Thus one of the two contribute 24 chromosomes instead of 23 and then a person born with Down syndrome, that have a total of 47 chromosomes, instead of the 46 relevant.
That extra chromosome in the pair will stay 21, so it is known TRISOMY 21 (3 copies of chromosome 21).

Anyone can have a child with Down syndrome, regardless of race, creed or social status. It is shown that the risk of procreating a child with Sme. Down materna.Esta increases with age also demonstrated that increased paternal age incementa risk.

Argentina and Latin America in the global incidence of Sme. Down is 1 in 670 live births

most common physical features in children with Down syndrome Flat face
  • Small nose separation of the eyes with broad nasal bridge
  • Obliquity of the eyelids
  • hands and short fingers
  • crease in palm
  • only
  • Decreased muscle tone (hypotonia)
  • Increased joint mobility (hypermobility) Stunting
  • low
    implantanción Ears
diagnosis who undergo is essentially clinical. This means that at the time of birth and, to certain physical features, you can have a presumption of the syndrome.

The child with Down syndrome should be monitored on a regular basis by the pediatrician.

is essential that the family aware of the need and importance of medical checks and that is how to prevent, order tests and consultations with other specialists (geneticist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, orthopedist, cardiologist, etc)
the first month of life will be necessary to confirm the diagnosis by genetic studies and liaison during the geneticist.
be requested consultations and studies to rule out heart disease, thyroid disorders, hip dysplasia, etc.

The pediatrician's role in this stage is very important because the family needs containment.
If need be offered psychological support and contact with other parents who pass through the same situation (Associations and Societies of Parents of Children with Down S.)

is important to encourage breastfeeding from the start as it will benefit from the fundamental nutritional Immunocompromised development and logically from the affective. Children with Down syndrome can develop their potential to learn and follow the same stages of development than other children, they will only slowly. Depend crucially on a strong family that will give them love and belonging and support professionals who first created them as "persons" and then as "people with Down Syndrome."


Monday, January 7, 2008

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Baby's development in the third month of pregnancy

After 8 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is called an embryo. Is called a fetus. The fingers and toes have soft nails now. The mouth has twenty little buttons that will become the''future teeth. For the first time, the mother can hear the heartbeat of your baby (10 to 12 weeks). During the remainder of the pregnancy, every organ of mature and fetal body weight gain.

the end of this month, the fetus is about 10 cm and weighs 20 gr.

Changes the body of the pregnant

is recommended that you visit your doctor so that you do a review of prenatal care. For your baby is well nourished need to enter a slight increase in almost all vitamins and minerals in your diet. You can meet this need through a healthy diet, nutritious and balanced.

normal at this stage is that the mother has increased from 3 to 4 pounds in weight. A woman who begins her pregnancy having a normal weight should gain 25 to 35 pounds. Check with your doctor the ideal weight must own this month. If you have had nausea and vomiting so far, the tendency to decrease until the end of this month.

Exercise can be enjoyable and good for both the mother and the fetus. A good choice is to hike. But do not forget to seek medical opinion. If your doctor recommends a prenatal test through a villus, it will do now.

Prenatal Care Guide

Each month, visit you doctor for an examination of the prenatal care. For your baby to grow well nourished, at this stage will require a slight increase in almost all vitamins and minerals. You can meet this need through a healthy diet, nutritious and balanced. Your weight will increase by approximately 3 to 4 pounds. A woman who begins her pregnancy having a normal weight should gain 25 to 35 pounds. Anyway, always consult your doctor about the weight that you have. Exercise can be enjoyable and good for you and your baby. A good choice is to hike. If your doctor recommends a prenatal test through a villus, it will do now.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

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About Early Stimulation

Stimulation What is early?

The early stimulation Montenegro is defined as "the set of actions that give children from birth experiences needed to develop their full potential through people and objects in quantity, quality and adequate opportunity, in the Contet of situations of varying complexity they generate in the child a degree of interest and activity, achieving dináimica relationship with their environment and a powerful learning
early stimulation
The term comes from the Anglo-Saxon literature speaks of "early intervention" or "early stimulation." began to be used to describe secondary prevention programs in biological risk children.

In recent years more properly applies concept of "timely intervention" more focused on the task of assessment, prevention and detection of disorders development exerted by health staff from patient care by promoting the maximum development of individual potential of each child.

letting the Early Stimulation term treatment of children with developmental disorders and established a more pedagogical.

Another concept is "early intervention" referred to acopañamiento development and therapy in infants with probable or already diagnosed disease. Requires a thorough knowledge of neurodevelopmental and experience with small babies. According

E. Kong, children with neurodevelopmental disorders receive treatment early (before 12 months of age) have low index of mental retardation.

programs in high-risk infants (secondary prevention) consist of identification and early intervention but apparently asymptomatic children with possible developmental disorders, prevent its deterioration and are used as advance in the prevention of neurological disabilities ossible future.

care and care in handling, care and repositioning of infants at high risk and / or abnormalities and set the tone and posture can improve motor function to the facilitators future acquisition of normal patterns and / or suppression those abnormal (tertiary prevention).


Saturday, January 5, 2008

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The Role of Genes in Obesity

sure many parents who are obese have been raised at some point if the disease will also affect their children. Is genetics a factor? Can we do something about it or have to take the inevitable?

Fathers and mothers should be aware and take the errors committed in their diet and lifestyle to avoid transferring their children, because the key focuses on "eat better and move more."

parents did obese children obese?
When parents are obese or one of them is likely their children are obese increases. In fact, it is estimated that children have between 50% (if one of the parents is obese) and 80% (if both are) likely to be too, yes, considering that genetics is not a factor decisive.

To understand better, even considering that certain genes predispose to this disease, if we do not add other factors such as lack of exercise or poor diet rich in fats or sugars in most cases obesity is not develop.

Consider the role of genes and the latest scientific developments in this regard.

Latest scientific studies about the role of genes in the development of obesity are constant, although there is still much research and learning. Most important of all the known so far is that it opens up new avenues of treatment to consider genes individually. This allows further identify, if possible, their therapy and that it is more effective.
obesity genes
In the development of obesity, as well as the influence of known factors (diet, exercise, socio-cultural factors, etc.), Another element to consider is the individual's genetic profile. In fact, it is clearly demonstrated that genes involved in hunger center in weight regulation in the number and size of adipocytes and fat tissue distribution in different parts of the body as well as in energy expenditure.

is sensed that the energy balance of a person can be influenced by up to 40% of their genetic heritage, affecting your appetite and your metabolism and body composition. For the moment only have been detected some of the genes involved in the onset of obesity, since it is possible that their number exceeds the figure of 25,000. Some of the genes most studied in recent years include: leptin (obese gene-Ob-) and its receptor (diabetes gene-DB-), molecules involved in adipocyte differentiation and lipid transport (PPAR, Rev 2) and adrenergic receptors (ADR 2 and 3), among others. What is the practical application of all this? To get a clearer picture has been shown that alteration of the beta 3 adrenergic receptor gene, causing the person fattening do not exercise regularly.

In this case the treatment should be based on physical exercise, more so than on the actual diet. On the other hand, people do not assimilate all nutrients equally by our genetic base, ie differently assimilate proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, if we know that genetic information could be recommended to every person confined to a lesser or greater extent an intake of these nutrients, because the one you harm against the treatment of obesity. In fact, those who suffer from a mutation in the PPAR gene, should limit fat intake over the rest of therapeutic considerations.

Other examples of genetic defects are those affecting the center of hunger and satiety located in our brain. Such is the case of Prader-Willi syndrome, a genetic disease that causes the person an insatiable hunger and extreme obesity in childhood. Other genetic syndromes recognized in the today are Bardet-Bield, Cohen and Alström-Hallgren, among others. In this context, it opens a wide horizon for the future development of gene therapy for obesity. A promising future, because if obesity is caused by absence or deficiency of certain genes, the incorporation of a gene or DNA fragment will remedy the existing defect.

Obesity, how to avoid it?
Progress on obesity are constant, while our effort and motivation are still the most effective weapon to defeat it. In fact, the most reasonable solution is still diet and exercise, with a culture change that involves learning to eat better and move more, and reducing calorie intake permanently.

Children learn by imitating everything that surrounds them, especially the family. Therefore, if you want to prevent your children from developing obesity, as a parent you should take as a first step "to discover the mistakes that you make in diet and lifestyle." This requires that you report what causes that lead to obesity, to analyze the problems and seek solutions using strategies or resources needed and to seek assistance when necessary to qualified professionals.

sooner you act the better

face obesity has to act as soon as possible to prevent major difficulties and more permanent. In fact, it was shown that if the child is overweight between 6 months and 7 years old, has a 40% chance of being an obese adult, whereas if it occurs between 6 and 13 years the possibility increases to 70%.


Friday, January 4, 2008

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Who Must Eat Our Children in Children and Adolescents

The Decalogue healthy eating

1 .- Varied.
accustomed to your child as soon as possible to eat and taste all the flavors of different foods. The key to educate you on healthy eating habits is to offer a varied diet from early childhood of life. It is difficult for the child to learn to eat well if you have not given the opportunity to make contact with a wide variety of foods.

2 .- Sana.
Choose lower-fat foods with little salt, plenty of vegetables (vegetables, fruits, vegetables and whole grains), and in amounts commensurate with their appetites and needs.

3 .- Balanced.
is imperative that you know the school menu to complement it with breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner, and thereby a balanced diet. Food should be distributed throughout the day for the body to get them the nutrients they need, according to its requirements.

4 .- Nutrition.
Offer foods from all groups (fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, cereals, vegetables ...) so you can choose the ones you like best. And it is in your hands to prevent your child regularly use superfluous food, full of empty calories, like candy, soft drinks, sweets, crisps and the like or pre-cooked burgers and pizzas. 5 .-

If you cook food (vegetables, fish, vegetables ...) in different ways, combine the foods that you know that you like but your child to others that you like more and show the dishes on the table in an interesting, have many assurances that food is most desirable.

6 .- Fun.
Let them share in the purchase, preparation of meals, preparing the table, etc. This may be an opportunity to learn good habits and enjoy the food.

7 .- Amazing.
Teach them everything you know about food: what they are, what functions develop in the body, much needed by the body of each food ...

8 .- Sorted. Enjoy
in family mealtimes or dinner in a relaxed and tranquil, following an order when eating: first course, main course and dessert.

9 .- Consistent.
Make sure your child does at least 3 meals of the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if they spend more than 4 hours of each other, encourage him to take a snack.

10 .- Education.
is essential that the education of healthy eating habits takes place both at home and at school. The family education requires patience, dedication, perseverance, discipline, do not make unacceptable concessions and some respect for the child's appetite, as long as its growth and development is within normal.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Path Of Drinking Water To The Urethra

adequate nutrition during pregnancy

A balanced and nutritious diet , but is essential throughout the life of the people, it is especially during this stage of the mother. Is that in this period is imposed also meet baby's nutritional requirements. One of the essential precondition for maintaining a balanced diet is not eating too much of each food group, because you need variety to get adequate protein supplements, minerals and vitamins. The high quality protein foods such as meat, dairy and eggs should be supplemented with so-called energy foods such as grains, bread and bread products. There's a lot appropriate.
In cases where the mother is overweight, you should limit the intake of calories such as sweets, sugars and fats. It is here, then where will that supplementing the diet with a good income of proteins, primarily with intake of meat, yogurt, milk, cheese and eggs indicate that the nutritionist.

is essential that power be present throughout the five food groups:

- Dairy,
- Red meat, chicken, fish and eggs,
- Cereals and derivatives,
- Fruit and
- Vegetables Dairy

The milk is the best of these foods for their high protein content and calcium. Try to include daily in the diet, low fat and vitaminized.
Cheese is much richer in protein and calcium also contain vitamins A and D, but some of them, especially hard cheeses, should be avoided because they have a higher fat content. The more soluble
white cheeses are low-fat spreads and so-called soft, fresh, port salut, and mozzarella, or low calorie.
butter and cream contain a high percentage of fat, for this reason should replace cheese spreads.

In those cases where the milk is not to your liking, you might try include using substitutes such as cultured yogurt or skim milk.
milk may also be included as a replacement for water in the preparation of gelatin preferably low calorie. Meat and eggs

Red meat, which should be lean (remove the fat before cooking), including at least once a day.
contain a good amount of high quality protein and iron, nutrients that are in so-called white meat, either chicken or fish.
But with an added bonus they have less fat and more easily digestible. The iron, calcium, fats, proteins, vitamins A and D are components of the egg and allow this food to sometimes replace meat, omelets (Which may be with cheese and vegetables), puddings, prepared scrambled eggs, etc., But always bearing in mind that the chosen type of preparation does not involve excessive calories.
The amount of egg in the diet of a pregnant woman is 2 units per week, and may also incorporate a clear day.

Bread, biscuits and cereals
Cereals are an important source of carbohydrates and fiber if they are consumed in a comprehensive (integrated black bread or crackers).
In moderate amounts, are a good supplement in the diet, as these have much more fiber and vitamin B complex Fruit and cereals

leafy vegetables have significant amount of vitamin C and fiber. It is best eaten raw or steamed to prevent loss of important nutrients. In the case of carrot and pumpkin or squash have lots of beta carotene precursor of vitamin A. As for citrus, strawberries and kiwi have adequate amounts of vitamin C.
minimum recommended intake of one unit per day. Liquid

should try to drink at least 2 liters a day of juice unsweetened applesauce, tea, mate tea, mineral water, soda, broth, defatted, (juice or diet soda, 1 liter per day)
Control pregnancy weight and overweight
The pregnant woman must be under strict control to reduce doctor, as a calorie-poor diet can bring about a low essential nutrients that adversely affect the normal infant and herself.

protein in the diet should be primarily high quality (meat, eggs, milk) because the baby are the best uses to form its own tissues.

properly selecting protein sources with a low percentage of fat (skim milk, fish, lean meats), ensuring a good supply of protein, vitamins and minerals without adding a lot of calories in the diet.
same time, being overweight during pregnancy requires reducing food intake high energy (sweets, sugar, honey, preserves, fats) and to a lesser extent, meals, limiting them to the minimum amounts provided to cover the caloric value set by the nutritionists in each case.

few periods of life require both careful selection, quality and quantity of food intake. Necessitates careful medical supervision in a particular case, thus avoiding the problem of overweight.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

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Sleep Disorders In Children Bad

Sleep is a time of day or night of variable duration during which the children rest, made issues that concern them, physically and mentally mature, and learn to become independent from the rest of the world (especially mom and dad) for a few hours.

So it is not difficult to conclude that sleep seems to be a difficult task for children, a challenge, a time of great vulnerability.

Studies from the University of Colorado, all babies pass through cycles of light and deep sleep for one night.

Throughout development, is expected to wane first and second rise. Around the age of 4 months, the baby does sleep 3 or 4 hours.

Within this period is 90 minutes of deep sleep, and end sleep is light, almost a state of semialerta.

It is now when the baby is likely to wake up. Minutes later, enter the next phase of deep sleep, which will complete night's sleep about 8 hours.

The mode of action of the parents during this interval of wakefulness is essential.

If you turn on the light, raise the child or feed it is very unlikely to return to sleep so easily, and, worse, that the habit of sleep disruption becomes an annoying habit.

If on the contrary, waking up is not an immediate response, will be forced to find their own routine to continue sleeping.

These same studies, say the 24-hour circadian rhythm is already firmly established at birth as the baby learns them during pregnancy, accompanying the mother.

The baby already has its own way of sleeping and waking. Therefore, the task of parents is summarized simply to generate the right environment to continue the same pace.

That child is insomnia?
child Insomnia is a disorder characterized by any of the following situations:

a) Difficulty falling asleep only
b) Frequent night waking (between 3 and 15 times), with inability to fall asleep without parental help
c) Sleep superficial
d) Fewer hours of sleep than normal for their age

Children suffer insomnia for two main reasons
1 º) Acquisition erroneous habit of sleep, 70% of babies begin to sleep more than 4 hours straight after 3 months, and 83% sleep 8 hours to be 5 or 6 months.

However, after one year, there is still about 10% of children who do not sleep the whole night.
In this case the child should be re-educated and encouraged to sleep. Like all habits, it also learns through repetition, that is, insisting In the same tactic over and over again, very patiently, until the baby gets used to it.

The evening anger are counterproductive, as the baby is distressed and only will cry more, or decided to challenge our anger with a long sleepless night.

is common for parents to interpret the child wakes up to food demand, but in reality, from approximately 6 months, the body is unable to use glucose reserves to tolerate an overnight fast.

Therefore, it is likely that feeding in the middle of the night, only managed to give the baby a "good" idea that there is a valid reason to wake up.

2 º) Any change in the baby's routine (moving, birth of a sibling) or, in very active baby, any progress that will produce excitement maturation (learning to walk, crawl, etc).

In fact, infants are highly sensitive and perceptive, and sleep is usually the first sign that something different is happening.

This is normal and, thankfully, temporary.

After normalization of the situation or the baby is able to adapt to the new, back to sleep as before, without any difficulty.

Moreover, most children live in the moment of the night as a very dangerous time, because it departs from the caregivers.

At first it is very difficult for him to understand that this separation is temporary, so it is very scary and only quiet when they come to his aid.

Little by little, is the understanding that it is not abandoned, and will reach to see his crib, pacifier or favorite toy to pursue the dream.

It is therefore important to convey the assurance that the adult will remain with him during the night, and barely understands, progress in teaching to be a bit lonely.

Night is a continuation of the day, and baby there is no dividing line between them.

is why we should not be alarmed when the baby after one day "special" this difficulty sleeping, surely this will be temporary and all will return to normal quickly.

Learning to sleep alone at night is bound, no doubt, to the task of learning about independence, and this seems so simple, it is sometimes a challenge of parenting.
