Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's Jam Radio Active


Clearly education is above all an inner journey whose stages correspond to constant maturity of personality. Maturation in which we will acquire and consolidate knowledge and attitudes on which to base our behavior and actions.
Similarly is basic learning to live together, which is essential for education from early childhood the rules that govern or should govern, this coexistence. The Early Education can say is that aimed at developing the personality, and values \u200b\u200bthat allow us coexistence, to the maximum extent possible.
The key achievements of personality development in early childhood education involve the formation of self and of undoubted subordination and hierarchy of motives. With this the boy and girl take on a fairly stable inner world, allowing them an active and conscious participation in the world around them and print a certain tendency to all his actions.
The fundamental condition to speak of a formation of personality in this age is that their behavior can be expected, which implies a direction of behavior. The focus of this training is the observance of rules of behavior that are socially accepted norms that children treated in their activities and communication with adults and the surrounding world, and allow them to regulate their conduct so far more effective than later in
From this point of view, values \u200b\u200bare formed in the process of individual development from its earliest stages. In this conception
values \u200b\u200bare infinite, in the sense that reality is infinite. This means that engaging in actions that cover a range of important aspects of reality, are laying the groundwork for the formation of multiple values. In Focus "Child's overall" establishing the premises of the various specific values \u200b\u200bthat will characterize the adult human being, without being able to pretend to speak of specific values \u200b\u200bin such tender ages.
formation in early education settings should be in the same way they shape the habits, skills, knowledge and capabilities through the same processes and educational processes, SO THIS IS GLOBAL. We concentrate on a number of values \u200b\u200buniversally accepted by all cultural backgrounds, treat them with breadth and depth, and through them, you can globalize those who most consider each culture. In the early years
values \u200b\u200bof life, like everything else in the child, have a global approach, as is the case with the concepts, standards, concepts, skills, abilities and other psychological formations, because the activity of the child and the child in these ages has a broad-based. Only at the end of the preschool is that it begins to pose a differentiation of these values, to the extent that affective and cognitive development allows knowledge and experience more of the surrounding reality.
as such value is known, learn and choose the actions of everyday life, for the behaviors that children treated and those observed in adults, and training can occur spontaneously, or go pedagogically. The latter ensures that the individual value matches what is the norm or social value.


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