Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wiring Humidifier On Trane


WILL LEARN or acquired?

Today the role of schools in shaping students' values \u200b\u200bis overvalued. Society and the government blamed a frivolous manner and thoughtless to educational institutions to be responsible for the decline of the values \u200b\u200bof students who have a responsibility to educate. However, society as a whole and the poor performance and poor performance of governments, are largely those who have contributed to the decline of values \u200b\u200bin today's children. The erroneous idea that through theoretical lessons can instill values \u200b\u200bin the classroom lacks a solid foundation, and is only an easy way to transfer the inherent responsibility of parents and families to schools and teachers.
In the course of history, development and survival of societies is based on the retention and transfer knowledge, beliefs and behaviors that identify and bind together the members of the group, tribe or people, which guarantees its permanence over time. All these elements make up the wisdom and idiosyncrasies of the people, in this context, undoubtedly, the values \u200b\u200brepresent the cornerstone of society and are therefore older than education, formal or informal. In this vein, the nuclei of the corporations, which are primarily responsible for ensuring the transfer of knowledge, beliefs, and above all the codes of conduct and behavior of social groups are the families.
Over time, accumulation knowledge and population growth, forcing companies to concentrate knowledge and the development and monitoring of the rules of conduct in formal institutions such as schools or institutes of education, on one side and the other institutions for promulgating laws and law enforcement. However, with respect to values, the core to preserve and transfer has been and remains the family, which is holding the basic responsibility of ensuring that each of the new members of the family like to endorse the standards of conduct that will ensure their successful integration into society, it is within the breast family where children and young people live in the first instance and therefore acquire the values \u200b\u200band family patterns of behavior later repeated in the social nucleus in which they operate.
Today, this basic responsibility has sought to shift exclusively to educational institutions, based on the premise that the best way to instill and promote values, through its theoretical, whether talking about them and lists the advantages offers to a society where every one of its members is conducted under the same or by the fact memorize each of them. Unfortunately, in reality, this assumption is wrong and in some cases, far from contributing to children and young people achieve ownership of these values, away from them, in some cases they are irrelevant because foreign and sometimes even contrary to the values \u200b\u200bthey have acquired and daily living within family and social environment. In conclusion, the school can only help strengthen and enrich the individual's own values, those that have been purchased and have been nurtured in the family and can not be responsible for the transfer or teaching them lessons through or examples that are no meaningful to the learner.


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