Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Neighbor's Aggresive Dog

Tips for Parents on how to instill values. VALUES EDUCATION

The first step to becoming a father who instilled values, is paying more attention to the things their children need to grow healthy.
Talk about values, limitations and expectations that you would like to perpetuate through their children.
feeding their own values. Spend time with people who support them, use your time wisely and try to shape their own values \u200b\u200bin their lives.
regularly do things with their children, including projects where you live, recreational activities and service projects. From time to time, let your child or teenager choose the activities they can do together as a family.
Introduce your children to other responsible persons in your neighborhood, workplace, social group or religious group. Let him know these people, you want them to know their children, because it is important that children receive as much support from others.
Try to eat together as a family as much as possible. The more you do this, the better the outcomes for all.
Choose a service project to do together, such as par cans recycled together.
Contáctense with other parents and learn from them. Talk about the joys and challenges of parenting. Do not forget to make a positive comment about you and your children or adolescents.
If you are concerned about their ability to be a parent or your spouse / partner, or the possibility of violence and aggression within the family, seek advice from a trusted professional such as a counselor, religious leader or doctor.
Be a friend and an example to assess for the friends of their children. Allow yourself to be "good enough." Nobody is perfect and that's fine. Take a deep breath once in a while and let us recall that you are doing the best we can.


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