Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Can You Plsy Tech Deck Live On A Laptop?

Each child is a unique human being original and unique, the most perfect and beautiful product of nature. Also, due to environmental influences, it becomes the product of the culture in which it operates.
In the civilized world, especially in urban areas, training of the child or the child develops differently as provided by nature. The satisfaction of their existence depends on their person and the surrounding environment, and the external environment must be favorable so that does not threaten their security or hinder their need satisfaction.
Education should respect and enhance the individuality of the child or the child, but given that it is not an isolated individual but a social subject in a community is born and grows and evolves to independence based on the quality of human relations that it establishes.
The child has sociable from birth, is designed for living. As it grows will be able to assume responsibilities as a member of society and to bring originality to it, never to be confused with selfishness capricious.
Based on this premise, knowing that the child at birth does not know the roles, rules, guidelines and moral and social values \u200b\u200bof their community, educational agents we become facilitators of experiences and relationships that facilitate progressive social maturity .
We can define a value as a real element, desirable objective and appropriate human being who internalized through individual experience and becomes a moral standard of conduct.
The person, through their experience selects and endorses choose a value system that helps you develop a moral conscience and individual committing itself to organize their behavior by taking them into practice.
Education, is charged with a moral content that offers a guide to conduct the child or the child from infancy to promote inner maturity necessary to acquire a moral conscience autonomously.
The small or small in the early stages of development, open to knowledge of self, the world around him and people around them, ie education influenced by the environment in which it operates. This environment should provide role models and positive values \u200b\u200baccepted by the community, helping to move away from negative values, and other destructive forces.
's always good to remember Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948 which offers a universal vision of the values:
"Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all groups or religions and promote the development of the activities of United Nations peacekeeping. "


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