Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Labeled Trophic Levels On A Pyramid


Values \u200b\u200bare powerful tools that help shape the lives of children from different socioeconomic strata, ethnic and family. They have a great impact on young people of all communities, from rural areas and small towns to the suburbs and cities.
The instilling values \u200b\u200bis an ongoing process and not a one-time program. Parents and others can begin to instill values \u200b\u200bwhen their children are young, continue the process through the primary, secondary, and go beyond.
Children need to hear again and again, what is expected of them at home, at school, community and the media. Each has an important role to play, everyone is on the computer. Everyone has a stake in the outcome. For example: Giving
seat to an older person, to appreciate the fact that someone give them thanks, making the first move for reconciliation after a fight ... Why today's children find it so hard all this? Perhaps because the adults will talk a lot about values \u200b\u200brather than show them by our example and explain in an understandable for them. We would like to undertake your journey well-equipped, having learned from us, among other things, values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty, pacifism and tolerance. To that this education is not only good intentions, we must integrate it into everyday life in a concrete, practical and simple.


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