Saturday, February 9, 2008

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The delicate skin of newborns

Overall the main difference in the skin of a newborn with an adult are:

The newborn's skin is thinner, less amount of hair, the bonds between the layers are weaker, which will conditions increased susceptibility to bacterial infections as well as trauma. It also produces less secretion by sebaceous glands, and this increased vascular reactivity. Although more susceptible against external irritants, but has less reactivity to contact allergens.

normal situations in the skin of newborn mothers should know not to panic.

The period of first 28 days is a period of adaptation, considered normal reactions but also other pathological sometimes confused. Let's start

situations are normal and require no treatment. Among them the most important are:
vernix caseosa.
Just at the moment of birth children are born covered with a whitish gray and oily substance that coats the skin, is believed to be a mechanical protection in the uterus and is also assigned a role against infection.

A fine hair, soft and slightly pigmented covering the back, shoulders and face. Disappears in the first weeks and replaced by terminal hair and hair on the scalp.

Peeling skin
is seen in most normal newborns, is thin and discreet, localized or generalized. Begins after the day and a half old and is maximal at 8 days. Disappears spontaneously within two to three weeks. If in the time of birth is not normal and may indicate a nutritional disorder in the uterus or some other illness onset of jaundice

observed in 6 of 10 term infants and more frequently in the premature Yellow is the color of skin and whites of the eyes, usually starts the second day of life, reaches its peak on the fourth day and disappears spontaneously and gradually between 10 and 15.La early jaundice or means that normal condition and should be studied. In the case of jaundice is more premature ejaculation, is higher and takes longer to disappear.

The so-called Mongolian spot
macula is a spot or blue-gray and of variable size, which has no clear explanation. Is usually the low back but you can see on other sites., Is common in our Latin race. In most cases goes away about two years.

newborn Millium
The clogging of the sebaceous glands are true micropapules located in the back yellow nose, forehead, cheeks and upper lip of the term newborn. Resolve spontaneously within a few weeks.

miniature puberty Call:
occur similar to those seen in puberty due to maternal and placental hormones. In children there is pigmentation of the scrotum and the linea alba. In the little girl, enlargement of the labia with creamy white vaginal discharge, bleeding times. In both sexes can be turgid and mammary gland secretion.

Phenomena vasomotor instability:
Immaturity of the brain centers allows a series of demonstrations. The skin at birth has a more pronounced reddish-purple on the extremities, this changes quickly to a pink, safe in the hands, feet and lips where the transition is more gradual. Here's what stands out most is the tendency to put more purple hands and feet or so-called cutis marmorata

The current condition and may not always mean disease but is easily confused:

toxic erythema: Is the rash
more frequent, seen in 20 to 60% of term infants, is rare in infants. No cause is known, begins between 24 to 72 hours, has four types of injuries, in combination and variable number: macular or red spots, bumps and rashes are applying. Go away without treatment, spontaneously between 7 and 10 days. And do not undertake plants or palms. In general the diagnosis is simple but requires the presence of pustules in the differentiation of an added infection.

vesicular rash is a result of obstruction of ducts by plugs. The retention of sweat is common especially in infants. Is presented in two forms, the crystal clear vesicles or prickly heat 1 to 2 mm as true surface and dew Miliaria Rubra, more often characterized by small papules, reddish papules and small vesicles. Usually located in the folds, neck, underarms, face, back height and surface of the arms. The treatment is to avoid excessive heat and humidity, should wear light and frequent bathing

The Millium
This time it's products as sebaceous material retention within the pilo sebaceous unit. Small pearly papules are 1 to 2 mm in diameter, white or yellowish, firm located in cheek, nose, chin and forehead, sparse or numerous. If the Marines are located in the swelled or midline of the hard palate as different names Ebstein beads. Disappear spontaneously during the first month. Is almost half the infants.

neonatal acne:
is a polymorphous eruption with comedones, Paula and pustules located mainly on the cheeks. Is between 20 to 50% of children around the month of age., It is usually mild. Usually no history of acne in the family and tend to develop at puberty. Disappear spontaneously in a few months and the scars are exceptional. One thinks of maternal transfer of androgenic hormones ..

seborrheic dermatitis:
is a self-limited, benign, of unknown cause affecting seborrheic areas. Appears between the second and decides week, characterized by areas of erythema with peeling yellow oily salmon in the scalp, face, areas of the folds, and the navel. In the scalp can be a sticky yellow crust called cradle cap. Disappears spontaneously during the first year. False

ingrown toenail:
At birth the nail can be cut on a digital pad developed, often seen in infants. Corrected without treatment during the first year

newborn vascular lesions
The doctor examining a newborn should have some caution, it is preferable not venture a diagnosis or prognosis because not everything that looks like a salmon patch is just that.

vascular malformations such as nevus flammeus and hemangioma in its early stages may look identical, but the prognosis is quite different. Hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors in infants, the incidence is about 2% in term infants and slightly higher in premature babies. 70% is present at birth and the rest are between 2 and 4 weeks. Grow and regress to the lifetime, so their regular monitoring is necessary, the peri-orificial location and rapid growth are urgent dermatological management.

Instead vascular malformations are a group of lesions that are characterized by being present at birth in 95% of cases grow with the child and not regress during life. To mention only the hair that stands out among flammeus nevus is the most common, which appears as a pink macule or patch, net edges, located anywhere in the body, in the face is usually unilateral and asymmetric, which allowed differentiation of the stain salmon. There should be called port-wine stain because it is a malformation and not a tumor.

Moon in the newborn:
The congenital melanocytic nevus or mole is a brown pigmented lesion dark or black and sometimes very long. 1% of newborns have this type of mole or nevus. There is an arbitrary classification according to size: small if less than 1.5 cm, medium if it is 1.5 cm to 20 cm and giant if over that size.

There is also a mole or nevus sebaceous (Jadassohn), a plate of salmon-yellow color usually only located most commonly in the head. In the scalp is round or oval, of variable diameter and hairless, in the face can be linear. Just need to watch as at puberty may have some risk of malignant transformation.


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