Monday, February 4, 2008

Starcraft Galaxy Pop Up

A fat child is a healthy child when

The first thing we note is that these concepts are outmoded and now parents, advised by the doctor, have an essential role in preventing obesity in children.

Most children presented a simple obesity that is caused by an imbalance between their physical requirements and what you eat.

rare cases of secondary disease due to other conditions such as hypothyroidism, genopatía ...

An important concept, however, is that each organism has requirements different, ie not all children need to eat the same amount. Denying, in some cases, can contribute to obesity.

Another premise is remarkable that we can not measure our love for the child by the stomach. Not so much happiness because he ate it all, nor offering candy because it is crying ...

The number of obese increases day by day. There is an undeniable influence on all media that promote consumption of various foods with high calories and little nutritional value.

There are four fundamental conditions that lead us to seriously worry about the problem of obesity and its prevention.

First, are the proven biological risks for lower fat, expressed in a deterioration and shortening of adult life with diabetes, hypertension or coronary heart disease.
There are also concrete evidence that obesity in childhood is brewing, so the pediatrician's role is crucial.

must also take into account how difficult and disappointing that it is today, although the propaganda to the contrary, an effective treatment for obesity.

Finally, this disease has increased alarmingly in our environment.

But what is obesity?

In itself not a disease but is a symptom complex due to the accumulation of fat in larger quantities than normal in the body, resulting in excessive weight.

What does childhood obesity?

The inconvenience is basically the emotional, psychological and particularly the increased risk that these kids have to become obese adults.
is estimated that two out of ten children under two years, with fat, are obese future school age, but on the other hand, only 10 percent of school children were obese chubby infants. Another

age at which future obesity is given in adolescence. In other words, seven out of ten pubescent attending this age overweight will become obese adults. At that age, pediatricians and lost the opportunity of changing habits.

What are the risks that obesity poses for adults?

There is a risk three times higher for diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular disease for people with normal weight.

also complicate respiratory diseases have a higher frequency of varicose veins, more digestive problems, especially gallstones, especially in women.

Interestingly, we recently found increased the incidence of some cancers in obese people.

Other complications include skin lesions at the folds and an increased risk for problems in the lower extremities, preferably osteoarthritis.

For all these reasons the role of the pediatrician is crucial in the prevention of obesity in the first year of life.

Obesity, is synonymous with eating too much?

has traditionally been regarded as the result of eating too much and move frequently.
The information we have now is that this is true, are factors that relate to it, but there are other factors, including genetics, which are very important the development of this disorder. Pediatrics has a great opportunity to survey this group of children in their earliest years to bring the habits necessary for a proper diet high risk group!

How is the diagnosis of this disease?

Any of us, having never studied medicine can say "this child is obese." It's up to feel the folds in the abdomen, to see the face, thighs. The naked eye has more than 80 percent of coincidence as medical diagnosis. This usually can do the family or people living with the child.

qualifies How overweight?

Doctors use the scale. It is most common. But an absolute number does not matter if it relates to the child's height. It should compare the table of weights and heights, parameters used by health services throughout the country.

The weight is variable from one person to another because tissues, as well as body fat, are different from one organism to another. Also, muscle tissue and bone are different.

A person can weigh more than his due, but if you are an athlete that overweight corresponds to muscle and not fat. It would be a mistake to call it a obese.

definitive diagnosis of the disease a physician, who through a proper assessment of fat, muscle and bone tissue can determine the percentage of overweight. And, even more, with the support of the laboratory, discard secondary diseases.

Is it the same overweight obesity?

A person is overweight when it exceeds 10 percent of weight for their height. Obese when this figure is higher than 20 percent.


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