Tuesday, November 18, 2008

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Values \u200b\u200bare powerful tools that help shape the lives of children from different socioeconomic strata, ethnic and family. They have a great impact on young people of all communities, from rural areas and small towns to the suburbs and cities.
The instilling values \u200b\u200bis an ongoing process and not a one-time program. Parents and others can begin to instill values \u200b\u200bwhen their children are young, continue the process through the primary, secondary, and go beyond.
Children need to hear again and again, what is expected of them at home, at school, community and the media. Each has an important role to play, everyone is on the computer. Everyone has a stake in the outcome. For example: Giving
seat to an older person, to appreciate the fact that someone give them thanks, making the first move for reconciliation after a fight ... Why today's children find it so hard all this? Perhaps because the adults will talk a lot about values \u200b\u200brather than show them by our example and explain in an understandable for them. We would like to undertake your journey well-equipped, having learned from us, among other things, values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty, pacifism and tolerance. To that this education is not only good intentions, we must integrate it into everyday life in a concrete, practical and simple.

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WILL LEARN or acquired?

Today the role of schools in shaping students' values \u200b\u200bis overvalued. Society and the government blamed a frivolous manner and thoughtless to educational institutions to be responsible for the decline of the values \u200b\u200bof students who have a responsibility to educate. However, society as a whole and the poor performance and poor performance of governments, are largely those who have contributed to the decline of values \u200b\u200bin today's children. The erroneous idea that through theoretical lessons can instill values \u200b\u200bin the classroom lacks a solid foundation, and is only an easy way to transfer the inherent responsibility of parents and families to schools and teachers.
In the course of history, development and survival of societies is based on the retention and transfer knowledge, beliefs and behaviors that identify and bind together the members of the group, tribe or people, which guarantees its permanence over time. All these elements make up the wisdom and idiosyncrasies of the people, in this context, undoubtedly, the values \u200b\u200brepresent the cornerstone of society and are therefore older than education, formal or informal. In this vein, the nuclei of the corporations, which are primarily responsible for ensuring the transfer of knowledge, beliefs, and above all the codes of conduct and behavior of social groups are the families.
Over time, accumulation knowledge and population growth, forcing companies to concentrate knowledge and the development and monitoring of the rules of conduct in formal institutions such as schools or institutes of education, on one side and the other institutions for promulgating laws and law enforcement. However, with respect to values, the core to preserve and transfer has been and remains the family, which is holding the basic responsibility of ensuring that each of the new members of the family like to endorse the standards of conduct that will ensure their successful integration into society, it is within the breast family where children and young people live in the first instance and therefore acquire the values \u200b\u200band family patterns of behavior later repeated in the social nucleus in which they operate.
Today, this basic responsibility has sought to shift exclusively to educational institutions, based on the premise that the best way to instill and promote values, through its theoretical, whether talking about them and lists the advantages offers to a society where every one of its members is conducted under the same or by the fact memorize each of them. Unfortunately, in reality, this assumption is wrong and in some cases, far from contributing to children and young people achieve ownership of these values, away from them, in some cases they are irrelevant because foreign and sometimes even contrary to the values \u200b\u200bthey have acquired and daily living within family and social environment. In conclusion, the school can only help strengthen and enrich the individual's own values, those that have been purchased and have been nurtured in the family and can not be responsible for the transfer or teaching them lessons through or examples that are no meaningful to the learner.

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Tips for Parents on how to instill values. VALUES EDUCATION

The first step to becoming a father who instilled values, is paying more attention to the things their children need to grow healthy.
Talk about values, limitations and expectations that you would like to perpetuate through their children.
feeding their own values. Spend time with people who support them, use your time wisely and try to shape their own values \u200b\u200bin their lives.
regularly do things with their children, including projects where you live, recreational activities and service projects. From time to time, let your child or teenager choose the activities they can do together as a family.
Introduce your children to other responsible persons in your neighborhood, workplace, social group or religious group. Let him know these people, you want them to know their children, because it is important that children receive as much support from others.
Try to eat together as a family as much as possible. The more you do this, the better the outcomes for all.
Choose a service project to do together, such as par cans recycled together.
Contáctense with other parents and learn from them. Talk about the joys and challenges of parenting. Do not forget to make a positive comment about you and your children or adolescents.
If you are concerned about their ability to be a parent or your spouse / partner, or the possibility of violence and aggression within the family, seek advice from a trusted professional such as a counselor, religious leader or doctor.
Be a friend and an example to assess for the friends of their children. Allow yourself to be "good enough." Nobody is perfect and that's fine. Take a deep breath once in a while and let us recall that you are doing the best we can.

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Each child is a unique human being original and unique, the most perfect and beautiful product of nature. Also, due to environmental influences, it becomes the product of the culture in which it operates.
In the civilized world, especially in urban areas, training of the child or the child develops differently as provided by nature. The satisfaction of their existence depends on their person and the surrounding environment, and the external environment must be favorable so that does not threaten their security or hinder their need satisfaction.
Education should respect and enhance the individuality of the child or the child, but given that it is not an isolated individual but a social subject in a community is born and grows and evolves to independence based on the quality of human relations that it establishes.
The child has sociable from birth, is designed for living. As it grows will be able to assume responsibilities as a member of society and to bring originality to it, never to be confused with selfishness capricious.
Based on this premise, knowing that the child at birth does not know the roles, rules, guidelines and moral and social values \u200b\u200bof their community, educational agents we become facilitators of experiences and relationships that facilitate progressive social maturity .
We can define a value as a real element, desirable objective and appropriate human being who internalized through individual experience and becomes a moral standard of conduct.
The person, through their experience selects and endorses choose a value system that helps you develop a moral conscience and individual committing itself to organize their behavior by taking them into practice.
Education, is charged with a moral content that offers a guide to conduct the child or the child from infancy to promote inner maturity necessary to acquire a moral conscience autonomously.
The small or small in the early stages of development, open to knowledge of self, the world around him and people around them, ie education influenced by the environment in which it operates. This environment should provide role models and positive values \u200b\u200baccepted by the community, helping to move away from negative values, and other destructive forces.
's always good to remember Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948 which offers a universal vision of the values:
"Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all groups or religions and promote the development of the activities of United Nations peacekeeping. "

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Clearly education is above all an inner journey whose stages correspond to constant maturity of personality. Maturation in which we will acquire and consolidate knowledge and attitudes on which to base our behavior and actions.
Similarly is basic learning to live together, which is essential for education from early childhood the rules that govern or should govern, this coexistence. The Early Education can say is that aimed at developing the personality, and values \u200b\u200bthat allow us coexistence, to the maximum extent possible.
The key achievements of personality development in early childhood education involve the formation of self and of undoubted subordination and hierarchy of motives. With this the boy and girl take on a fairly stable inner world, allowing them an active and conscious participation in the world around them and print a certain tendency to all his actions.
The fundamental condition to speak of a formation of personality in this age is that their behavior can be expected, which implies a direction of behavior. The focus of this training is the observance of rules of behavior that are socially accepted norms that children treated in their activities and communication with adults and the surrounding world, and allow them to regulate their conduct so far more effective than later in
From this point of view, values \u200b\u200bare formed in the process of individual development from its earliest stages. In this conception
values \u200b\u200bare infinite, in the sense that reality is infinite. This means that engaging in actions that cover a range of important aspects of reality, are laying the groundwork for the formation of multiple values. In Focus "Child's overall" establishing the premises of the various specific values \u200b\u200bthat will characterize the adult human being, without being able to pretend to speak of specific values \u200b\u200bin such tender ages.
formation in early education settings should be in the same way they shape the habits, skills, knowledge and capabilities through the same processes and educational processes, SO THIS IS GLOBAL. We concentrate on a number of values \u200b\u200buniversally accepted by all cultural backgrounds, treat them with breadth and depth, and through them, you can globalize those who most consider each culture. In the early years
values \u200b\u200bof life, like everything else in the child, have a global approach, as is the case with the concepts, standards, concepts, skills, abilities and other psychological formations, because the activity of the child and the child in these ages has a broad-based. Only at the end of the preschool is that it begins to pose a differentiation of these values, to the extent that affective and cognitive development allows knowledge and experience more of the surrounding reality.
as such value is known, learn and choose the actions of everyday life, for the behaviors that children treated and those observed in adults, and training can occur spontaneously, or go pedagogically. The latter ensures that the individual value matches what is the norm or social value.