Monday, May 2, 2011

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is a conspiracy against democracy

has interests to demolish
candidacy of Ollanta Humala and favor Keiko Fujimori
President Alan Garcia is conspiring against democracy and should be prosecuted and vacated, in order to account for the use of elements of the Intelligence Service in the development of a demolition campaign against the media candidate wins Peru, Ollanta Humala said Congressman Daniel Abugattás. "What could we say to this? That the president of the republic should be vacated, if proven their participation in these actions, and banned for life to exercise any public function. Is doing exactly what they did Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos with the intelligence services, "he said.

Abugattás said that the conspiracy against democracy in which you incur Garcia based on his actions against the rule of law, "because they are using human resources and logistical services intelligence to seek to alter the outcome of an election process. " The MP mentioned that this would explain why the head of state has delivered to Montesinos portfolios of Interior and Defence (Salazar and King), during the last five years, While explaining the constant psychological warfare campaigns or so-called "psychosocial."

For its part, the virtual-elect Congressman Javier Diez Canseco said that the directionality given by Garcia to the intelligence services to intervene in this type of forbidden actions, seeks to strengthen the candidate of your choice, Keiko Fujimori , and obtain impunity that yearn.

In this context, described as serious "coordination" of the intelligence services of the United States with his Peruvian pairs in this campaign of annihilation against Ollanta, through a computer named "Constellation" and administered by the Southern Command of the Armed Forces Americans.

"I think for a while there is interference and involvement of U.S. intelligence, linked to their peers

Peruvians. This was already significant during the government of Alberto Fujimori addition to the known relationship of Vladimiro Montesinos with U.S. agents, "he said.

In turn, the director of Reporters IDL, Gustavo Gorriti, questioned this vast campaign against Humala psychosocial developed "a very rough and very little sophisticated, they are involved in an important part of business, several media-through its main shareholders and guests, in order to demolish Humala and submit to Keiko Fujimori , with an air of harmless and civilized ".
With Bayly
reiterated that in this sinister plan is expected to "return" to local television in Miami, the writer Jaime Bayly, hired directly, and "the caballazo" by Fujimori
sta Trade Group, headed by Martha Meier Miró Quesada. "Bayly back for that: establish a journalistic offense (against Humala). This has already had success in its demolition campaign against Lourdes Flores. And now they seek to reprise that fact now in the person of Ollanta "he warned.

also noted that part of this plan is the approach of neoliberal economist Hernando de Soto to the side of Keiko, to "whiten" his candidacy, with the advice and income, the ranks stas Fujimori of an alleged "technical" class.

Meanwhile, former Minister of Defense, Roberto Chiabra, indicated that there would to determine whether there is a political responsibility of the owner of the sector, Jaime Thorne about the possible involvement of elements of the Army, specifically the area of \u200b\u200bintelligence, coordination and implementation of the controversial "Plan Sheet" against the candidacy of Ghana Peru .

therefore sued Chiabra Thorne respond and provide "explanations" about the whole fabric prepared to prevent the victory of Humala. In any case, said he had doubts about the possibility that military officials have dared to engage and participate in these illegal acts, taking into account the disastrous past experience the dictatorship of Alberto Fujimori .

silent ministers

Rosario Fernández, president of the Council of Ministers

press spokespeople PCM Fernandez advanced that the minister would not deliver in principle, opinion on the "Plan Sheet", as a matter of political-electoral.

Miguel Hidalgo Interior Minister
press spokesmen MININT indicated that it was not possible to locate Hidalgo, to rule on the complaint
FIRST published by
. Defense Minister Jaime Thorne
press spokesmen did not return calls Thorne, in order to obtain, through him, the minister's reply.

Official EP calls "false" information that involves
The army colonel, Juan Carlos Liendo O'Connor, one of the officers involved in the "direction" of "Plan Sheet ", described as" false and tendentious "reports that engage in this illegal operation against Ollanta Humala .
In a letter to Caesar Lévano
, director of FIRST
, Liendo recognizes that "personal use as an Army officer on active service, has been in military intelligence, as we reported.
also recognizes that with the rank of captain was "staff assistant to former head of the NIS Montesinos, Major General (r) Julio Salazar Monroe, for approximately 26 months." Salazar Monroe on the have expressed great appreciation, is a member of the band fujimontesinista sentenced to 25 years in prison. Liendo also confirms the information that will pledge, currently working as Deputy U.S. Defense NA, in the Southern Command based in Florida and that its activities are under the Ministry of Defense and the Joint Command of the Armed Forces In their defense the officer considers "highly irresponsible to engage in political activities officers of the Armed Forces from active duty no basis whatsoever."

Sinister "Plan Sheet" against Ollanta Humala

The plan "Shroud", which had access

FIRST, includes a vast conspiracy aimed at demolishing the media against the nationalist candidate and is digitized by politicians, businessmen, media and military sectors and government. The Shroud Plan envisages the following actions: recruiting and using print media, television and radio, and journalists to hire Jaime Bayly for use in developing the campaign, collecting information on the life of Ollanta
Humala and his wife, Nadine Heredia, and the environment, development of forms of action, neutralization or elimination of anyone who objects to the conduct of the operation.
The operation was mounted after the emphatic victory Ollanta Humala, who won 31% of preferences, which created panic in some sectors of the conservative right and the power groups linked to the past regime Fujimori sta. Among them would be a group of mining companies led by Roque Benavides Ganoza, whose relationship with the government

Fujimori was sta from its close relationship with who is the leading operator in the shadow of Fujimori smo, Vicente Silva Checa, indicted for various acts of corruption in the past decade.

Czech Silva would have provided a home of their property, located at 42.1 Precursors Chacarilla Pond, Surco, where there Cachiche Agrícola SA, which is called "The Base". The staff of the conspirators has achieved funding for the media and the team of "focal points" linked to Force 2011. Intelligence efforts to build and operational plans was "organized" by Rafael Rey Rey who knows the intelligence apparatus of the Armed Forces and in particular to officers who have been involved with the leadership of Montesinos and the command of the military brass during the tenure of General Nicolas Hermoza.

versions collected indicate that Colonel Juan Carlos Liendo EP O'Connor was chosen to undertake the development and implementation of the Plan "Shroud" and in doing so creates the intelligence group "Fusion", made by his former teammate exSIE in today's EP Intelligence Battalion. demolition plan The first image is called "Ranger" and its main objective is Nadine Heredia, Ollanta wife, it has been monitored and filming when he had contacts with foreign diplomats, among them account Virly Torres, an official of the Embassy of Venezuela

, between 2005 and 2007 .

The second plan is called "Ekeko" and is directed against Ollanta Humala , based on data from military life, giving information and even unreleased footage of his alleged behavior and Army report on his mission to the My Mother's base and other areas in the fight against terrorism in order to link beaten with human rights problems . Also is expected to use private conversations audio aspects of his private life present and past.

A key part of the operation has been the hiring of Jaime Bayly Letts to launch an offensive against Ollanta, a program

Television Group Latin Trade. According to confidential information to which
had access, everything is tuned for Bayly said it bounced back and suitably amplified by N channel, Channel 2, RPP and the print media: El Comercio , Peru 21, E, reason and express.

Javier Soto


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