Jaime Bayly took $ 800 000 to be a mercenary charged with attack Ollanta Humala seeks to prevent reaching the Presidency of the Republic.
so bad we a dirty, vulgar and vicious buffoon is priced so high by the group Trade- Lan Chile, which shows a again that it is able to propagate excrement on television.
First today gives the following details:
Sicario on TV would take $ 500 000 (business bag) and about 30 thousand dollars each program, giving a total of $ 800.000.
charged $ 800 000 Bayly
The death of Osama Bin Laden was not only a blow for Al Qaeda and international terrorism, but also for the revival of a repetitive and tiresome Jaime Bayly , the group Trade financiers and entrepreneurs who bought their services for 800 thousand dollars to throw mud on Ollanta Humala, according to American TV.
Viewers who saw it changed channel to see what's new about the worldwide success and made even more lonely and dark his monologue full of platitudes and texts taken from the leaflets appeared Fujimori.
The rerun on television of a repetitive and tiresome Jaime Bayly, seems to have been disappointing for the group Trade financiers and businessmen who bought his services for the not inconsiderable sum of $ 800 000 (S /. 2 million 240 thousand suns ) in order to throw mud on Ollanta Humala, according to American sources commented yesterday Television.
Informants noted that, contrary to what its sponsors hoped, Bayly was a lonely and dark monologue full of platitudes and texts taken from the leaflets appeared Fujimori, without event.
"It was a fiasco," said our informant and explained that Bayly was lethargic, non-profit, almost as if reciting a script forcibly given, in this case by the "Plan Sheet", which is an instrument.
also pointed out that Bayly was very bad on talking without touching the issue of Bin Laden's death, which occurred the same night as most viewers did not know that the program was taped in Miami and that the entertainer was not in Lima .
is a pity, because it was hard, but not both channel and employers (Fujimori) determined to prevent by any means the victory of Humala, said one of the informants.
added that the pocket formed by financiers assures Bayly said, 500 thousand dollars, and American Television, which has a policy of not commenting publicly what they pay, would pay $ 30 000 per program. Being ten programs are 300 thousand, so the total would be 800 thousand people would have on tax alerts, though Bayly pay U.S. taxes.
According to informants, Bayly make five Sunday shows, until 29 May, and from this day will a daily, until day 3, the last in which campaigning can be, given that this is what will make the animator American citizen. Conflict
The sources confirmed that the issue Bayly, the extreme expression of the alignment of the Group The Trade Keiko Fujimori's candidacy has complicated relations between it and the Republic, for the recruitment and coordination with the financiers were made by El Comercio on their own, without the consent of the directors of that day, a minority shareholder Channel 4. A recent commentary by columnist Mirko Lauer Bayly critical recruitment and evidence that disagreement, as well noted that, from a sense of fairness to the two candidates to compete in the second round, it would be helpful to American TV contract for another program César Hildebrandt, who is a harsh critic of Fujimori candidate.
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