Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Do People With Hiv Get Colds

The murder of Pedro Huillca during the Fujimori

Cesar Hildebrant

Peru: Fujimori gets rid of the leader of the workers.

Today 10 years after the fall of the dictatorship of Fujimori, his daughter disputed second round of the presidency of the Republic of Peru. I share with you this excerpt from the book The Crime of the Cantuta, author Ephraim Rua, who reminds us of a tragic chapter in the history of Peruvian labor movement. To avoid a repeat, NOT KEIKO.

The December 18, 1992, Pedro Huillca Tecse, CGTP secretary general, was shot to death inside a van in front at the door of his house. The shots were fired with silencers. However, no one met him, as they used to do the rebels after an adjustment to their victims relentlessly. The gunmen arrived after the family breakfast, a few moments more and they found none.

Moments after the crime, walked the version that was a new attack by Shining Path. A decade later, José Luis Risco, president of a congressional investigating subcommittee, presented the testimony of an agent who did dirty work for the INS: Clemente Alayo. Alayo

revealed that in October 1992 Martin Rivas received a call from Fujimori to leave saunas "Pardo". After that the head of Hill announced that he was preparing Huilca crime. Alayo

hear the issue again in early November. Martin Rivas was found near the Plaza 2 de Mayo, a short walk from local CGTP. Inside the car were two subjects Mariela Barreto. Martin Rivas told Alayo: Look, friend, you will reivindicarte of all your shit you've done. Miss you see below will participate with us and have more eggs and balls than you. And the driver, do you see this grandazo over there in the background?, That will also take part, and I, but you're going to give the coup de grace. There I see you, dammit!.

coach Felipe Angel Sauni Pomaya, SIE coach, confirmed that version. He recalled that his colleague Pedro Damaso Pretell had admitted involvement had admitted involvement in the crime.

blamed workers from the moment the government of Fujimori, recalling that the finance minister of the dictatorship, Carlos Bologna had declared in August 1992 that the leadership of the CGTP not come at the end of the year.

The war was declared since the government implement a policy that destroyed the work of the Peruvians, in the interests of monopolistic groups. Within months, the regime had cleared the legislation that protects workers' rights won over decades for. To compound matters further, the pension fund just happening in large part to the private system through Private Administrators of Pension Funds that engulfed most of their income. Large employers rubbing their hands. Therefore not surprising that the bulk of those attending the 92 CADE smile when Fujimori announced in the presence of Pedro Huillca "The days of the communist CGTP have been completed.

This is not the country where the domes of CGTP sent!

leader warned the consequences of the threat. A few days later sent a letter: The CGTP replied that there has never been in Peru a government in which workers have assumed decision-making. All have implemented a non-political oppression and have acted against the workers. We assure you that we are not afraid and without fanfare or fuss respond to bravado and threats of those who today are strong.?

But life was hours Huillca count: Dec. 18, at 08 and 25 in the morning, man 42 years received about 40 shots in the body as he prepared to march to the central headquarters. The murderers did not notice fire on the front of his house to silence the cries of horror.

Flor, a daughter of Peter, crossed paths with a woman with short, blond, his face stunned. Was holding a gun. After the shooting, Flor took his father to hospital, but doctors could do nothing. Yuri

Huamaní, a student at the National Engineering University, captured two hours before the crime, was charged with murder. His peers were forced to sign a blank, which then would be reflected a complaint for subversion. Until now lament.

A few days after the crime, the police presented the perpetrators of the crime, but the family did not recognize anyone Huillca. One woman showed through the keyhole of a door, but she had long dark hair, had no relationship with the woman who had participated in the attack.

Hildebrant Published weekly in Trece on Time Machine


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