Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What To Wear To A Coast Guard Retirement Ceremony

Jaime Baily Felipillo Ollanta from attacking U.S.

writes: Nestor Roque Solis (*)

few days ago I received in my mail a message saying that in Venezuela, the state takes away their children under three years to their parents. Just send me a copy of a toilet and hold the string to say well you live in Cuba. Senders are identified: poor, sad Malinches Felipillo and economic power, who are content with crumbs and say nothing when white-collar criminals put on top of the Amazon forests, subsoil rich in oil, metals of the Andes Sea of \u200b\u200bGrau and dignity of the nation.

All this propaganda is to clear the candidate of Ghana Peru and spread fear among voters. They released another message that workers will lose their social security funds, which Ollanta going to put a tax on families when the opposite is true. What the candidate wins Peru intends to implement is a windfall tax on mining companies are selling Peruvian resources without paying the state taxes as applicable.

We had already guessed what the media would trash the program and malinche Felipillo Jaime Baily, and other transvestites the right to demolish the candidate of Ghana Peru, in a vain attempt to stop the forces of change. So I say that to make policy and take power in Peru is to be in favor of the owners of the media, expect the same for professional success in public and private institutions have to work without hearing mental poverty.

I am part of the media and political debate not to impose my ideas, or to kneel before anyone. But the powerful media today are trying to impose preferences and behavior patterns. Freedom of expression is not throwing away the media in this election process. These days the Malinche Felipillo and television, radio and the press play a crucial role in defining what most people will feel, think, buy, act and vote on 5 June.

on the market today are not seen by God but by the media, who judge us based on our behavior. The altar remains, but is no longer the place of sacrifice and selflessness, but the cult itself, just as in this election campaign is reverence to the great gods of the screen and the radio these days are ready to discredit and governments try to impose his own image and likeness, the more dunces, better.

Large industrial and financial powers then produce not only goods but also psychosocial. Produce subjectivities that are both actors within the political context: they produce needs, social relations, bodies and minds, which is to say that cause producers to stay in power. The communication that we see these days, not only expresses, also organized movements to defend their interests. Where some journalists acting as priests in such ceremonies, encouraging false promises, inventing the future, persuading voters to vote for the same, because they are not interested to change their fortunes and interests.

This process of subjectification is marked by the mass media, especially television and radio, because there is a very important sector of the population does not read any newspaper, you are bound hand and foot television as the sole source of information. TV aims to be an instrument that reflects reality, but ends up becoming an instrument that creates reality, lies and anxiety in the electorate, hence, its power is the ability to impose a vision of the country guidelines, to wear glasses mental make people see Peru and the world according to their interests and benefits of power.

The age of majority is achieved when the individual meets three conditions: think for yourself, being able to take the place of another and be consistent with the thought. But the model does not seek power but to keep them irrevocably in childhood is happy that people are distracted so they do not think but distracted.

humans are now more slaves than our ancestors who built the city of Caral and mandolin. People will say how is this possible? With this subtle form of slavery that slaves made to believe they are free beings, because the chains have the form of beautiful gold bracelets. But they must be a stock of magicians or shamans? No, the media, because many times when you're sitting watching TV anesthesia sensitivity, dulls the mind, injures the soul. With these weapons, the right wants to bend the will of the voters, for the candidate of the mafia and murder wins the presidential election on 5 June.

So we want to indoctrinate the powerful owners of radio and television, but the people are not dumb or blind to realize that behind the aggressive campaign Ollanta Humala move against millionaires interests. But Peruvians are not blind, deaf and dumb not to see, hear and talk about reality, because our feelings change clarion touch with Peru's candidate wins.

The population is warned that the media war has been all in the month of May. But beyond the media war is the honor, dignity and freedom to choose the candidate who represents hope for all Peruvians, the commander Ollanta Humala Tasso.

Nestor Roque Solis Business Consultant, International Speaker

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Peru: The vote lumpen

Carlos Angulo Rivas (special ARGENPRESS.info)

Right as such in the past eighty years, never won one election in Peru. From 1930 forward, and then from the time of Manuel Prado, second term began in 1956, with the support of APRA, the oligarchy has been governed by leaders outside their church, union or guild, but has served military or civilian dictatorships such as Benavides, Odría, Morales Bermudez and Alberto Fujimori. Attempts by the Peruvian right to be represented, by itself, with leaders such as Luis Bedoya Reyes, Mario Vargas Llosa and Lourdes Flores have always raised the rejection of the citizens. And while Alan Garcia oligarchic rules for this sector with an efficiency never seen before, remember that he was elected in 2006 through the huge deception called "responsible change" compared to more defined progressives, led by Ollanta Humala.

However, there is a vote of popular, almost a third of poor citizens, which pay for candidates of the rich that has nothing to do with their obvious interests of beggars. That is the lumpen vote, in a larger and clearer proportion has tended to Keiko Fujimori in the first round of 2011 and second choice by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and Luis Castillo. And in every society there is this lumpen vote that supports the rich exalted in the power of state and governments. Most poor defending their own interests, identify with their class and their daily struggle, sometimes by simple intuition in this direction not all belong to the lumpen poor. The underclass is a special kind of the impoverished, the elements belonging to it is degraded, the underclass, unorganized groups of exploited laborers and urban activities are usually outside the law, is such lower division social conglomerate easy tendency to crime, they are actually elements without any social conscience and given precarious living conditions of casual workers, vagrants and criminals, the attraction of good snack, gift and rascals, is their only means of survival.

Ten years of welfare policies harmful by Alberto Fujimori, soup kitchens, land traffic, used clothing, school supplies, etc. with no state money control, formed the basis of a lumpen political clientele, which now inherits the daughter Keiko Fujimori with the same care of the food arts, cocks, free beer, whistles, flutes, dance, gifts and investment mercenary activities. This explains, by itself, the percentage of 23.5% of the vote, and his move to the second round to face Ollanta Humala, the candidate who also collects the votes of the poor, but those who do have a social conscience. The phenomenon of lumpen voting is not new because it means the fulcrum of the rich to achieve their electoral purposes and made the government or continue in it. And this is why the rich are agreed of the poor or only when approaching elections are held. Remember to throw crumbs of bread, knowing that when a stray dog \u200b\u200bwill bite yields a poor animal moves its tail and then lick their feet. Every society has, therefore, a thick portion of lumpen people, those who identify with leaders enraged low ilk, the unscrupulous, the autocratic, the immoral, dissolute, lewd and crooks. There exists a kind of identification at different levels and even to imitate what they see these people above their heads.

In a way this vote lumpen also explains why, Kenji Fujimori, the youngest son of former dictator, get over any politician,
professional, intellectual or recognized, the highest number of votes to get to Congress. And so is the logic of the lumpen rough and uncivil, then, sexual aberrations seen in a grace to hold, the bestiality practiced in adolescence by Kenji Fujimori a mischievous boy and not a depraved instinct of personality formation. The video images where Kenji has sex with her cocky dog \u200b\u200bis not a joke or occurrence as a boy but the embodiment of a decadent young man, one inclined perverted, misguided and devoid of values. Acceptance of animals or bestiality or sexual practices with animals is a fact accepted by the Fujimori regime and its surroundings, as prior to censor or delete an individual of this nature it exalts prominently in the list of candidates and makes vulgar lumpenesco hero because criminal inclinations, bigotry and ignorance. Incredibly there have early sexual aberration upgraded to the highest preferential votes in Congress.

But that's not all. Now in the second round is dismember Ollanta Humala, because the commander and his environment mafias do not represent the rulers of Alberto Fujimori and Alan Garcia, two politicians similar in genocidal practices, repression of workers and peasants and the sassy necessities of illicit enrichment. Thus, a policy of anything goes, in the second round of voting will be coming along the lumpen lumpen below the top. And is that the rich gangsters behave in certain circumstances and assume the same role in the lumpen, are fierce and vandalism.

words line up with the same criminal baseness of lying, bullying and go to fight with all the weapons range. So far, so irrational are using mass media, well oiled by the money of those mafias, which are coupled the powerful drug traffickers and economic power groups, banks, major employers in the mining, construction companies, contractors with the state, etc. Here we have a scheme for voting unit lumpenesca inconceivable and absurd by Keiko Fujimori, a vote guided by revenge and low instincts, given the ten-year government of Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos, censored in the country and qualified in a Wikilists of the American Embassy as the regime of the "orgy of corruption."

And if the right has never won a single election in Peru earn less a part of it, right up lumpen mob or supporting Keiko Fujimori adamantly as their new representative. Mario Vargas Llosa is a writer, conservative, neoliberal intense that, ever, wanted to represent the Peruvian right, and with his autobiography "the fish in the water" has largely moved his electoral defeat in front of a stranger as Alberto Japanese Fujimori, therefore the assumption can not be revenge against the Japanese family that mobsters right now blame him for refusing to Keiko Fujimori. Furthermore, these elements are the same people who abandoned him in the FREDEMO to go to co-govern with the dictator Fujimori, including the recalcitrant fascist Opus Dei, Rafael Rey, a prominent defector from the national party eight different shirts. Consequently, if Vargas Llosa chooses and calls to vote for Ollanta Humala as already stated, it is in strict moral conviction of a rescue of the country to disgrace and insult to the nation that would see the same people ruled by Alberto Fujimori, accomplices, thugs and thieves of the fierce and amoral dictatorship of a disastrous, tragic and painful era in history. The populist instincts and pedigree of the vandals will not racist. Well above the lumpen is coupled to the bottom in an attempt to "open the prisons to the murderers and thieves" as noted The writer, national consciousness awakens reject, safeguarding their dignity, this contributor to the dictatorship that has called her father's criminal regime "the best government in the country there." Peruvians never forgive choose as president the republic, Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former corrupt dictator sentenced to 25 years in prison for crimes against humanity and looting the state, found himself accused Alberto Fujimori.

Carlos Angulo Rivas is Peruvian poet and writer.

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The murder of Pedro Huillca during the Fujimori

Cesar Hildebrant

Peru: Fujimori gets rid of the leader of the workers.

Today 10 years after the fall of the dictatorship of Fujimori, his daughter disputed second round of the presidency of the Republic of Peru. I share with you this excerpt from the book The Crime of the Cantuta, author Ephraim Rua, who reminds us of a tragic chapter in the history of Peruvian labor movement. To avoid a repeat, NOT KEIKO.

The December 18, 1992, Pedro Huillca Tecse, CGTP secretary general, was shot to death inside a van in front at the door of his house. The shots were fired with silencers. However, no one met him, as they used to do the rebels after an adjustment to their victims relentlessly. The gunmen arrived after the family breakfast, a few moments more and they found none.

Moments after the crime, walked the version that was a new attack by Shining Path. A decade later, José Luis Risco, president of a congressional investigating subcommittee, presented the testimony of an agent who did dirty work for the INS: Clemente Alayo. Alayo

revealed that in October 1992 Martin Rivas received a call from Fujimori to leave saunas "Pardo". After that the head of Hill announced that he was preparing Huilca crime. Alayo

hear the issue again in early November. Martin Rivas was found near the Plaza 2 de Mayo, a short walk from local CGTP. Inside the car were two subjects Mariela Barreto. Martin Rivas told Alayo: Look, friend, you will reivindicarte of all your shit you've done. Miss you see below will participate with us and have more eggs and balls than you. And the driver, do you see this grandazo over there in the background?, That will also take part, and I, but you're going to give the coup de grace. There I see you, dammit!.

coach Felipe Angel Sauni Pomaya, SIE coach, confirmed that version. He recalled that his colleague Pedro Damaso Pretell had admitted involvement had admitted involvement in the crime.

blamed workers from the moment the government of Fujimori, recalling that the finance minister of the dictatorship, Carlos Bologna had declared in August 1992 that the leadership of the CGTP not come at the end of the year.

The war was declared since the government implement a policy that destroyed the work of the Peruvians, in the interests of monopolistic groups. Within months, the regime had cleared the legislation that protects workers' rights won over decades for. To compound matters further, the pension fund just happening in large part to the private system through Private Administrators of Pension Funds that engulfed most of their income. Large employers rubbing their hands. Therefore not surprising that the bulk of those attending the 92 CADE smile when Fujimori announced in the presence of Pedro Huillca "The days of the communist CGTP have been completed.

This is not the country where the domes of CGTP sent!

leader warned the consequences of the threat. A few days later sent a letter: The CGTP replied that there has never been in Peru a government in which workers have assumed decision-making. All have implemented a non-political oppression and have acted against the workers. We assure you that we are not afraid and without fanfare or fuss respond to bravado and threats of those who today are strong.?

But life was hours Huillca count: Dec. 18, at 08 and 25 in the morning, man 42 years received about 40 shots in the body as he prepared to march to the central headquarters. The murderers did not notice fire on the front of his house to silence the cries of horror.

Flor, a daughter of Peter, crossed paths with a woman with short, blond, his face stunned. Was holding a gun. After the shooting, Flor took his father to hospital, but doctors could do nothing. Yuri

Huamaní, a student at the National Engineering University, captured two hours before the crime, was charged with murder. His peers were forced to sign a blank, which then would be reflected a complaint for subversion. Until now lament.

A few days after the crime, the police presented the perpetrators of the crime, but the family did not recognize anyone Huillca. One woman showed through the keyhole of a door, but she had long dark hair, had no relationship with the woman who had participated in the attack.

Hildebrant Published weekly in Trece on Time Machine

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Comic Bayly charges U.S. $ 800 thousand for attacking Humala

Jaime Bayly took $ 800 000 to be a mercenary charged with attack Ollanta Humala seeks to prevent reaching the Presidency of the Republic.

so bad we a dirty, vulgar and vicious buffoon is priced so high by the group Trade- Lan Chile, which shows a again that it is able to propagate excrement on television.

First today gives the following details:

Sicario on TV would take $ 500 000 (business bag) and about 30 thousand dollars each program, giving a total of $ 800.000.

charged $ 800 000 Bayly

The death of Osama Bin Laden was not only a blow for Al Qaeda and international terrorism, but also for the revival of a repetitive and tiresome Jaime Bayly , the group Trade financiers and entrepreneurs who bought their services for 800 thousand dollars to throw mud on Ollanta Humala, according to American TV.

Viewers who saw it changed channel to see what's new about the worldwide success and made even more lonely and dark his monologue full of platitudes and texts taken from the leaflets appeared Fujimori.

The rerun on television of a repetitive and tiresome Jaime Bayly, seems to have been disappointing for the group Trade financiers and businessmen who bought his services for the not inconsiderable sum of $ 800 000 (S /. 2 million 240 thousand suns ) in order to throw mud on Ollanta Humala, according to American sources commented yesterday Television.

Informants noted that, contrary to what its sponsors hoped, Bayly was a lonely and dark monologue full of platitudes and texts taken from the leaflets appeared Fujimori, without event.

"It was a fiasco," said our informant and explained that Bayly was lethargic, non-profit, almost as if reciting a script forcibly given, in this case by the "Plan Sheet", which is an instrument.

also pointed out that Bayly was very bad on talking without touching the issue of Bin Laden's death, which occurred the same night as most viewers did not know that the program was taped in Miami and that the entertainer was not in Lima .

is a pity, because it was hard, but not both channel and employers (Fujimori) determined to prevent by any means the victory of Humala, said one of the informants.

added that the pocket formed by financiers assures Bayly said, 500 thousand dollars, and American Television, which has a policy of not commenting publicly what they pay, would pay $ 30 000 per program. Being ten programs are 300 thousand, so the total would be 800 thousand people would have on tax alerts, though Bayly pay U.S. taxes.

According to informants, Bayly make five Sunday shows, until 29 May, and from this day will a daily, until day 3, the last in which campaigning can be, given that this is what will make the animator American citizen. Conflict

The sources confirmed that the issue Bayly, the extreme expression of the alignment of the Group The Trade Keiko Fujimori's candidacy has complicated relations between it and the Republic, for the recruitment and coordination with the financiers were made by El Comercio on their own, without the consent of the directors of that day, a minority shareholder Channel 4. A recent commentary by columnist Mirko Lauer Bayly critical recruitment and evidence that disagreement, as well noted that, from a sense of fairness to the two candidates to compete in the second round, it would be helpful to American TV contract for another program
César Hildebrandt, who is a harsh critic of Fujimori candidate.

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Copa Libertadores 2011: America vs. Santos [EN VIVO - LIVE!]

Time of game:
7:45 pm (time in Peru and Mexico)
10:45 pm (Brazil)





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semifinal of the UEFA Champions League 2010-2011: Barcelona vs Real Madrid [EN VIVO - LIVE!]

Time of game: 1:45 pm
(Peruvian time)
8:45 pm (English hour)





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Fujimori, Montesinos and his two hundred cómplices.Indice

2. THE CASE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE BANK Wiess MONTESINOS by transiting U.S. $ 200.000 per month
9.-THE MYSTERIOUS Peruvian reserves. THE COMMISSION OF 0.4%
11 .- FUJIMORI IN 'GIFT' ANTONOV AIRCRAFT: an incredible story.
12 .- THE NEW RICH PERU: The "Twelve Apostles."

Other topics:

The scandal of the forged signature (Research Diary El Comercio de Lima) 1.-A COUP FOR HANDLING THE JUDICIARY.
The April 5, 1992, was closed on national parliament, dissolved and re declared the judiciary. The aim was to put in key positions of the latter characters addicted to the government, through which impede or block any investigation or prosecution to members of the government. Example
fatal this purpose, the case of Ms . Blanca Nelida Colan , appointed Attorney General on April 8 and has served blatantly the government for seven years to fulfill the role of legal barrier. It is she who prevented research on the topic of international donations (denounced by Susana Higuchi in March 1992), and prevented further research on the "Command Hill" author of the massacres of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta. It also prevented the investigation and prosecution advisor Montesinos for collusion with drug .
and prizes to all Thus, when the age limit should leave the Prosecutor's Office, was created by Ad Hoc , the Chair of the Board of Procurators, thanks to a law passed in previous days, so that from there continue in charge of the institution that is supposed to pursue the crime.
But that's just one of many cases. Handpicked from April 1992 many people in positions of the judiciary to be a relationship of obedience to the government that appointed them. A committee composed originally by Santiago Fujimori , Vladimiro Montesinos and Moses Pantoja (named President of the Supreme Court immediately after the coup) is responsible for qualifying candidates for the offices and test their loyalty to the government. He is currently the Minister Hermoza Moya (cousin of the Army Chief Nicholas Hermoza ), who was previously appointed to the Supreme Court immediately after the coup, who digital and coordinates appointments .
The government has achieved and the ideal of a dictatorship. fully manage the Judiciary and the Prosecution. None of the major themes that touch the government or the family Fujimori has never been basis for an investigation. And all coordinated with the parliament, which also blocks a majority submissive all-purpose research. Example
accurate. In the month of March 1992, Susana Higuchi , wife of the president denounced in a press conference that foreign donations are sold in boutiques and shops of the Brothers of the president and a mob surrounded the president . While in Brazil, a similar complaint led to the fall of Fernando Collor in Peru, a coup a month after the complaint, expelled the Attorney General that it had opened investigations and closed the parliament in which a committee had been formed.
The lack of separation of powers and independence of the judiciary has been studied and reporting of various organizations such as Goldman Commission and the Andean Commission of Jurists.

2. THE CASE OF THE ACCOUNTS OF MONTESINOS IN THE BANK Wiess by passing U.S. $ 200,000 monthly

On December 15, 1999, the daily Liberation Lima released copies of statements of account C454478 - Banco Wiesse belonging to Vladimiro Montesinos, head of the Intelligence Service of Peru and number two in government. According to the statements, only in 1999 was the dark advisor Two Million Six Hundred Sixty-five thousand dollars . However, according to his own statements, Montesinos works dedicated to the Peruvian government.
Forty days later, Attorney General, appointed after the coup in 1992 and retired two hours, archivódefinitivamente research on the case requested by Montesinos himself, because according to its opinion the documents were obtained illegally newspaper published chelae.
Montesinos was the famous defense in 1980 Colombian drug trafficker Evaristo Ardila Porra, for those who requested a medical leave this took the opportunity to escape. And when the mob Demetrio Chavez (a) The Vatican, captured 1996 in Colombia and delivered to Peru, said all the press and television that for 5 years paid $ 50.000 a month to Montesinos, the public trial was stopped, went to the Vatican in a barracks and was tried by a secret military tribunal for treason against the fatherland to life imprisonment sentencing the and isolation.
As explained? On April 5, 1992, after a coup inspired by him, Montesinos dismissed almost all of the judges, replacing personnel you trust. All provisionally appointed to save your obedience. Used them as dagger against his political opponents. All judges and prosecutors were provisionally appointed by Montesinos through an Executive Committee was created and headed by a Navy officer. These "judges" were the voters of the National Jury of Elections and Provincial . With its help, hunting tax against businessmen and journalists got Fujimori has 87% of all news and comments television and the big chains. Eight junk newspapers were created by Montesinos to destroy the candidates, but these have not been able to bring claims in any court. Court cases politicians or millionaires Montesinos win with their lawyers. commands paramilitary murderers of students and residents are given amnesty and released. And the political media and business communication opposed to the regime, blackmailed, prosecuted and even deprived of their nationality .


The August 17, 1996 Demetrio Chavez Peñaherrera "Vatican", a major drug trafficker Valley the Huallaga , shocked international opinion stating that in previous years had paid $ 50.000 a month to the Peruvian government's number two, the advisor Vladimiro Montesinos , head of the National Intelligence Service. In exchange for this payment will be announced radially operatives Drug Enforcement Agency. But the agreement was broken when Montesinos demanded a monthly payment of $ 100.000.
This confirmed what the country knew. Montesinos, a lawyer for drug traffickers powerful, had orchestrated the intervention of the judiciary and the looting of their files after the coup to steal the records of their customers.
The worst is that by their example, the drug had already infiltrated the official institutions. In August 1996, the presidential plane DC 8 had been arrested with 174 kilos of cocaine on board In addition, large shipments of drugs were discovered in two Peruvian navy ships ( Matarani and Ilo), and many army officers were involved in drug investigations and the deputy interior, Edgard Solis , lawyer at Montesinos.
very serious view of the Vatican complaint, the legal system of the dictatorship worked with speed. Barely 24 hours later (August 18) the Attorney General announced that there was "no reason to doubt the Mr . Montesinos and Military Tribunal that tried the Vatican in a secret process for treason, ordered readmissions in an army barracks. The parliament rejected a commission investigating the case and the Supreme Court instructed the magistrates of Lima reject outright any claim relating to the subject.
Eight months later, he discovered the income statement confirming Montesinos declared by the Vatican (statement 25-3443-95). In it, Montesinos declared to receive monthly income of $ 40.000, being that his "salary" as a consultant is $ 1.000 and had publicly declared before had no activity. At the same time, a Brazilian police report (March 1995) Montesinos denounced as a member of the gang of Colombian drug Evaristo Ardila Porra. But this time also, the Attorney General, appointed by Montesinos, said there was no reason to initiate a judicial research.


Since 1991, Vladimiro Montesinos collaboration with Major (r) Jorge Wittembury Rebaza , Klaus and JAVIER Corpancho Register Corrochano have set up a network responsible for all purchases of arms and military equipment renewal, from the purchase of MIG 19 aircraft , to helicopters Soviet Nicaragua, upgrading of tanks, or renewals of submarines ( Ferrostal ) everything is handled by Montesinos,
Wittembury and Hermoza through for companies which has used the same names.
Since 1992 have set up 15 companies that monopolize all acquisitions and belong to the same people, figureheads of Montesinos and Witembury . W21 including Intertechnique , Wotan International , Benavides Representations, Colins, Croussillat Brothers, Mobetek , vibrefrisa , Debrettt , all belonging to Rothschild's , Benavides and Croussillat Torres Lopez.
Through these helicopters were purchased disused Nicaraguan army , (1992) three of which crashed in the northern border war in 1995 by his precarious, has negotiated the route of the submarine with the signing Ferrostal , business for which, apart from the commissions earned, has forced the country to accept as debt Brady Plan debt Ferrostal company for 180 million dollars. The same network has sold through Mobetek ( Moshe Rothchild ) 12 engines overhauled of Sukhoi to $ 700.000 each, 6 Russian Antonov aircraft used, whose repair cost 18 million dollars, Westinghouse Radar 12 million (by the firm that NAINCO also offered Sukhoi aircraft and engines ) computers for aircraft Mirage U.S. dollars per 6,500 (Shorthair company representations), etc, etc, some of whose cases are detailed below.


W21 Intertechnique was created on 28 September 1995 to present four days then offer for sale of 18 aircraft mig 25 and R27 and R73 missiles for 762 million dollars. Allied planes had been already offered by Ukraine, but the Air Force rejected the initial bid by Ukraine manufacturer unless such aircraft.
However, despite Belarus is not a manufacturer, the Ministry of Defence (General MALC) pressured the Air Force to accept the offer Belarus. In these circumstances , Major General FAP Enrique Astete Baca addressed the President of the Republic claiming that the general Malca intended to force him to accept the offer Belarus.
As a result , Malca, who defended the interests of his ward Moshe Rothschild (owner of W21 through Oscar Benavides Oscar Morales Spring Flowers), was dismissed.
Moreover, Fujimori before the Congress of Mexico (March 25, 1995) denied that there would be the purchase of aircraft Belarusian "by bribes " discovered.
However, in the utmost secrecy, in the second half of 1996, were purchased from Belarus them used 14 planes and 12 Sukhoi 25 Mig 29 is also used. The price per Sukhoi is 11 million dollars for each Mig29 14 million making a total of 322 million. The firm Beltekhexport Belarusian representative in Peru which is W21 Intertechnique (directly offered a year before the same equipment) the company paid a fee of 8 million and must pay additional 11'300. However
Beltekhexport now can not ensure support and maintenance of aircraft, because according to a decree signed by Boris Yeltsin, the State Corporation for import and export military arms of the Russian Federation does not sell parts or maintenance to countries that buy ex-member states of the Soviet Union. (See "Aviation Week & Space technology" Washington 1997) Despite this, Peru has already paid the price and the commission of U.S. $ 19'300 has already been distributed.


The representative of the Italian firm is Otomelara Sergio Siragusa Italian citizens engaged in bribes paid in the electric train project (during the first government of Alan Garcia) who won the commission in sell the Lupo frigates in 1984)
This time, through the firm's legal adviser whose FATHER JAVIER PADRON Corrochano paid bribes to the highest authorities of the Navy contract for missiles and cannons Otomat Oto Melara 10 million dollars.
The issue was discovered by Italian prosecutors in the Port of La Spezia and having to plead the Italian ambassador in Peru at the signing Otomelara to ensure that the committees required by Siragusa came down from 15% to 5%.
The committee was asked to purchase 4-Missile launchers and anti-aircraft guns Otomat Breda 127 mm, through Sergio Siragusa signature procreate. Siragusa sold for this purpose fictitious company to an employee of the electric train Lima. (The sale was made on January 24, 1994 at Ascension Cubas Muñoz is resold at the same Siragusa on February 23, 1995 after signing the contract Otomelara.
Here are responsible for both Siragusa, as Admiral Hector Absi Concha (used in the electric train) and Admiral Rabinez Rolando Cardoso, Director of Economics of the Navy between 1990 and 1992. Rabinez is also married to the sister of Alfredo Zanatti, whose business is director Javier Corrochano, legal counsel procreate and Siragusa.
The ambassador's official statement however fell on deaf ears. According to the prosecutor Colan, there is sufficient evidence to initiate an investigation.


In 1992 the price of the roles of Peru's debt to commercial banks was 15% of its nominal value. At moment the government negotiator, Mr. Morales Urresti, proposed to buy a large building on the market price. His request was that it used $ 600 million to acquire up to 3.600 million debt to 15% of its nominal value.
For unexplained reasons, the proposal was not accepted, the business was changed. Meanwhile
delegates from government high officials started their shopping. Was commissioned to different English and Panamanian law firms to investigate the availability of sales by the banks of the Peruvian debt paper. One of the banks that agreed to sell was the English Credit Bank, at a time when its chairman, Mario Conde was accused of being the author of the bankruptcy of the institution. This bank and others sold at prices fluctuating between 14 and 18%.
Having secured a volume of paper purchased at a value of $ 500 million, the Peruvian government commissioned the Swiss Bank operation secret: buy papers for the bondholder debt for an amount of 1.200 million. In such a purchase were acquired earlier papers purchased by the managers of the characters of the Peruvian government (including the former minister Fujimori Blacker Miller). Only in that first step, the value of the bonds rose from 15% to 42% on average which is the value you purchased the Swiss Bank. Anything else, the Swiss Bank followed instructions from the Peruvian government to give priority to the banks and holders should buy, which represented a gain extra commissions for those who made the decision.
Then the third step was to include the 1.200 million purchased by the Swiss Bank between Brady agreements, by which, these papers are now paid 70% of its value.
So between the value of the acquired nominal 500 million 60 million and the final value of 350 on the pay, there has been a gain of $ 290 million to benefit the government-linked group responsible for making those operations. Also in this case the Attorney Colan has agreed to open an investigation.


addition to inflate and manipulate the total amount of debt, the debt was included in the banks, other debts from different sources. Thus the debt of U.S. $ 3.600 billion to commercial banks rose to U.S. $ 4.284. And on this latter figure was accepted criminally interest and penalties that will pay up to 10.600 million.
What debts are included for no reason?
A. The payment of vessels and Mantaro Pachitea. Purchased by the government of People's Action (Peruvian Steamship Company) by Sandro Arbulú criminal act, the president of that company. The vessels were overvalued by 200% in 1983.
debt is accepted 42 million dollars for ships, which cost 15 million. The purchase was canceled and began the trial which found that Chemical Bank that lent the money for the operation, was itself a shareholder in the company that sold the vessels. Under these conditions the payment of debt required by the Chemical Bank was detained until the conclusion of the trial.
Suddenly and without reason, that amount was included in the settlement Brady, with a debt issue and from a proven crime. Thus, it has recognized total of 42 million overpayment (the boats actually costing 15 million) but also goes to pay interest and berries for a criminal act for which the country was victim.
B. Ferrostal debt - AIG (ex-Belco) two debts in exchange for fees paid. Seller
submarine in Kiel, the firm Ferrostaal-CITEC Peru since 1985 required the payment of 180 million previously purchased ships. Sent officials bitterly expressed that Peru did not pay, despite having given commissions in the years 1979 and 1984.
Ferrostal repeatedly, a senior, Mr. Kieffer, accompanied by two Peruvian-Israeli industrial, visited the ministries of economy.
After the coup, things were easier. 189 million were incorporated into the commercial debt with the banks included in the Brady plan
Worse even if the payment was the AIG insurance company after paying an amount to BELCO (nationalized oil company in 1985) was substituted in their rights to charge to Peru. MR Greenberg, in Massachusetts is responsible for negotiating the issue of intermediaries Peruvian propose a sum of $ 10 million to secure the payment. This discussion, which lasted from 1988 to 1992 was settled without explanation after the coup by the payment of the integrity of the claim, without any real urgency existed.

9.-THE MYSTERIOUS Peruvian reserves. THE COMMISSION OF 0.4%

The government claimed to have reserves worth 8.000 billion dollars, mostly from the sale of public enterprises. But Fujimori himself, against the provisions of the Constitution, said that only three people (the Central Bank president and Montesinos) knew what the place where those resources were deposited. And this amazing statement was not neither criticized nor questioned by the most obedient parlamenteria or by the judicial.
Fujimori argues that only three people can know for reasons of national security, because it could result in the seizure of such reservations. But the argument is absurd, and with more reason, because the Peru regularly pay their debt. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF PERU IN OTHER COUNTRY OR AMERICAN HAVE KEPT HIDDEN RESOURCES OF THE NATION AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO PEOPLE.
is that those reserves actually exist? Or is that your deposit at a lower rate than could be obtained, there has been hidden benefits. If this were so, a commission would be enough 0.5%, minimum commission in banking terms for U.S. $ 8.000 million had already led to forty million dollars per year. This sum is necessarily existent Fujimori won by the other characters? It's something that should be investigated, since according to Peruvian Penal Code, concealment of official information, for reasons that do not have a national defense secret character, is a crime. None have said about this or the parliamentary majority nor the prosecutors or judges.


Augusto Manuel and were Miyagusuko 1990 residents of the house of Alberto Fujimori in Pinerolo passage of Molina (Lima). In addition home mother lived to Fujimori.
From the day after the coup were appointed President and Chief People and Future Company, the largest public insurance company. To ensure their impunity, Fujimori named Isidro Kagami, nephew of the president of the republic, as administrator and provider of enterprise.
addition, in 1990 had formed Augusto Miyagusuko Absalon Vasquez, Rodolfo Matsuda and brothers Matsomura Fujimori, non-governmental organization to manage donations Apenkai Japan. Was just this organization that Fujimori Susana, wife of the president denounced in March of 1992 weeks before the coup.
Miyagusuko said army helicopters. And the army "chose" to the firm Debrett ENTREPRISES (Enrique Benavides, Jose Luis and Cesar Croussillat LT) to replace the helicopters, Debrett entreprises should receive the money directly Future People. The helicopters are sold by Debrett Belarusian used. Paid for them 1.9 million dollars in February and 2.8 million in September 1995, and have not been delivered.
At issue was made public, did not hesitate Miyagusuko acknowledge in a letter addressed to the President, General HERMOZA have received commissions for other helicopters Entreprises Debrett. Whereupon, Hermoza annulled all insurance contracts with People's Army Future. Miyagusuko The complaint alleged that between September 1995 and in 1996 took Porvenir People like all previous years, $ 15 million for the insurance of the 70 military aircraft.
But People Porvenir broker hired Peruvian Reinsurance Alejandro Saona Argos, who bill for 15 million but subcontracts to Lloyd's of London for 7'500, 000.
The difference would have been divided between Hermoza and Saône but the breach of it by a percentage detonated the scandal.
Years later, Miyagusuko publicly purchased 1.689 hectares of irrigation Chavimochic, for the price of 2 million three hundred thousand dollars have already been paid. (There are 840 hectares to its name, and 800 in the name of a company owned Sigma Builders - incorporated on May 13, 1993 as a provider of People's Future, chaired by Victor Rendón Valencia, and Porvenir Popular exgerente) acted as a proxy Sigma in the purchase of the land, Daniel Perez Quiroz, a member of Apenkai, LA nongovernmental organization constituted by Fujimori that giving donations Japanese also built schools for the state. Scandalous
is also the Chairman of the Committee on Privatization of land irrigation Chavimochic, RODOLFO MATSUDA MATSOMURA is also a member of Apenkai, with Fujimori, the Miyagusuko and KAGAMI FUJIMORI, which directly involves the head of state.
But no research has been accepted in this case. And similarly, the prosecutor's Office, Ms. Colan, when consulted, strongly denied the existence of any crime and therefore Miyagusuko (both brothers) and Hermoza remain in their positions.
Moreover, parliament approved rushed a law which, like People and Future Company has a percentage of private ownership, no longer reflects the prosecution's Office or the Comptroller of the Republic to investigate the facts.

11 .- FUJIMORI IN THE 'GIFT' ANTONOV AIRCRAFT: an incredible story.

Alexandre Grolchetskii come to Peru in 1992 was the company to intern AeroTUMI Antonov Karkhov Ukraniana company. The goal was to sell these machines to the Air Force of Peru. But do not know who was competing with the company MOBETEK (the citizen Moshe Rothchild protected by Defense Minister Victor Malca) who had already sold 6 used Antonov aircraft from Russia at $ 3 million contract to repair additional 18 million.
A Grolchetskii you were proposed as introducers in the government and armed forces two people to facilitate sales: Juan Carrera (a) Yone, a retired general and Corrochano JAVIER PADRON. The latter, appointed counsel, is manager of all professional Zanatti Alfredo, Sergio Siragusa advisor and procreate, Vladimiro Montesinos broker Carlos Manrique CLAE in the case, and mediator of the Lopez Vladimiero Montesinos Torres for purchase of an airline.
With Corrochano Career as Chairman and as a consultant, Grolchetskii achievement to be invited by Fujimori to the Government Palace (Groltechetskii statement from the 1st of April to the daily La República). Fujimori took part in flying Antonov planes in 1993.
Grotlchetskii same Corrochano proposed to sell two aircraft the state inflating at double the price (Grolchetskii statement) stating that the government decided to purchase Ukrainians Antonov aircraft, the company should make the donation of two devices.
Corrochano organized the scene of the grant and attended the April 7, 1993 at the Palace government, A Fujimori, the Minister of Transport and General Dante Cordoba NICOLAS HERMOZA all signatories of the record.
But, being an act setting, ukranian city surrendered to the Ministerial Resolution 066-93 Pres worthless, and therefore never published. By contrast, a resolution of that number appear later to appoint an official of the Ministry of the Presidency.
Then Groltchevskki just realized, it was all a ploy to evade two planes and to settle their claims to compete with MOBETEK to the government and the army have already acquired aircraft and weapons. Then threatened to publish everything, but Corrochano Carrera and had resigned. And about the possible new scandal on 12 September 1994 came a resolution registering the donation on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. Meanwhile
Corrochano Carrera and have been awarded three other Antonov planes that the company had Gorltschekii Tumi into the country. Index

12 .- THE NEW RICH PERU: The "Twelve Apostles."

Andres Reggiardo The citizen, whose only merit was Fujimori's friendship with one of his relatives, was for It appointed chief and leader of People's Cooperation Change 90 the ruling party. It now has a riding stables and one of his best known horse is "Paraggi"


On February 23, 1997, was denounced by the newspaper documented the Republic:
For registration and tuition fees of Keiko, Sachi and Marcela Giro Alberto Fujimori, sons of Alberto Fujimori, at the University of Boston, according to data obtained from the Office of the Comptroller (PO Box 4105 Boston MA 02215) in the last four years have been paid $ 344.588 (three hundred ochentiocho cuatenticuatro 1500 dollars).
paid concepts are:
A. - Tuition: 3 full time students (12 credits) U.S. $ 19.420 for 3: = U.S. $ 58.260
B - MEDICAL INSURANCE. $ 509 for 3 .= U.S. $ 1.527
C. - Estimated cost of books: $ 775 for 3: U.S. $ 2.325
D. - Individual Circumstances (laundry, etc): U.S. $ 2.725 for 3 = U.S. $ 8.175
Room Shelton House (1):. U.S. $ 4.620
Single suite private bath: $ 5.710 for 2 .= U.S. $ 11.240
... U.S. $ 86.147 TOTAL
Then, in the last four years, these payments represent U.S. 344.588 (three hundred forty-four dollars ochentaiocho 1500) ie soles 895.928 (EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND SUNS NOVENTAICINCO), sum without justification against presidential salary (2.000 per month) than in the four years has added $ 96.000 (249.000 soles).

Monday, May 2, 2011

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How was found and killed Bin Laden

Tucked away in a fortified mansion north of Islamabad, Bin Laden died operation in just 40 minutes .- The most trusted messenger was the one who enabled the CIA to find the most wanted terrorist on earth

COUNTRY - Madrid - 02/05/2011

VIDEO: Obama's television appearance track became the core of this historic operation to the United States. With its track, the U.S. intelligence agents could find the leader of Al Qaeda, U.S. officials said the daily The New York Times


George W. Bush: "The fight against terror continues"

Osama Obama could
  • kill Osama Bin Laden
The attacks of 11-S PHOTOS - (Reuters) - 05/02/2011

The second plane into the Twin Towers
. After the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 175 shortly before crashing into the south tower. The north tower burns after an attack with a hijacked plane into New York City September 11, 2001 .- (Reuters)

Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden

all started four years ago. According to The New York Times , detainees at Guantanamo had provided the pseudonym of a messenger to U.S. interrogators and said the man was a protégé of Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the attacks of 11-S

. However, the agents took two years to explore the region where it operated. From there, the CIA found the location where the messenger of Bin Laden and his brother lived in Pakistan.
The surprise was great. The place was a thriving area was about 55 miles north of Islabamad. For a decade, the U.S. Army Intelligence and had followed several tracks from Bin Laden, thinking he was in a cave, between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where once even took out an agonizing battle persecution in the mountains of Tora Bora where he was cornered. Since then, bin Laden managed to flee to Pakistan, where he was protected by his followers and supporters that Al Qaeda is in an area where Islamic extremism has grown considerably in recent years.
The exact whereabouts of Bin Laden was known in August. He was in the town of Abottabad

80 kilometers from Islamabad in northern Pakistan. U.S. officials say American spies realized that was not a normal residence . It was a luxury resort completely fortified. Walls over three meters, with barbed wire, with no windows and very limited access. Comprised only two entrances. Built in 2005 and valued at one million dollars, the residence had no dial or Internet connection.

The CIA spent weeks to examine satellite photos and reports of his spies, the house and determine who was living within its great walls. According

British newspaper The Guardian

, agents knew that the messenger and his brother lived with a family. In September, according to a senior U.S. intelligence had determined that a "big possibility" that bin Laden was hiding inside. In February, the agents learned that the family was nothing more and nothing less than the Bin Laden family. In March, Obama knew first hand the situation of the investigation. That month, held its first meeting of the five held in six weeks at the White House for all the details of the operation against Osama bin Laden. The U.S. Army was preparing an assault on the mansion bunker number one enemy. Finally, Obama gave the order to attack on Friday, April 29. Washington did not share the intelligence about the whereabouts of Bin Laden with any other country, even with Pakistan, for reasons security.

A senior administration official has said Obama, the newspaper The Guardian

that "the high walls made the operation more dangerous." The operation, according to this senior official, was "surgical precision" at the hands of a handful of North American operations. Lasted just 40 minutes from the arrival of U.S. forces to the residence until his departure. Americans arrived at the complex by helicopter. Once there, they found local security forces. The aim was to capture Bin Laden but "there was resistance," according to Al Jazeera reports

. Upon entering the complex there was a shooting. Bin Laden died of a shot in the head. Four other people died: an adult son of the leader of Al Qaeda, the messenger and his brother and an unidentified woman.

After the operation, the Americans left the area again by helicopter. "This is the greatest victory ever achieved by the U.S. in ten years of struggle against Al Qaeda," he assured the senior U.S. official. The U.S. president, Barack Obama, was more blunt: "Justice has been done." Almost ten years after the Sept. 11 attacks, the death of Bin Laden

was confirmed

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Bin Laden's death reinforces the exit strategy from Afghanistan

The transition plan sets July 2011 as the beginning of the withdrawal and 2014 as the end of this


5.2 / 2011

Obama's television appearance (with subtitles) strategy for U.S. president, Barack Obama, setting a date for the duration of U.S. presence in the Central Asian country. The transition plan adopted at the NATO summit held in Lisbon in November 2010, set July 2011 as the beginning of the withdrawal and 2014 as the end of it.

The nine lives of Amir Osama

Objective: kill Osama Bin Laden

  • Osama Bin Laden
In There are currently stationed in Afghanistan 150,000 Alliance military, which should begin in July to leave it to the armed forces and Afghan security police in the districts less controversial. The gradual withdrawal of the front line, will not, as planned until now, the end of Western engagement with Kabul. After 2014, will be an undetermined number of foreign troops to the mission of educating and supporting Afghan security forces.
President Hamid Karzai has used the death of the leader of Al Qaeda to appeal to the search for a peaceful solution. Karzai has asked the Taliban to stop the armed struggle. "The Taliban must learn the lesson of death Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden and abandon the struggle, "Karzai said in an appearance on public television.
Afghan President, who advocates negotiations with the insurgency as a way to end Afghanistan war that is bleeding for more than 30, has taken the opportunity to insist that international troops stationed in their country should make greater efforts to avoid civilian casualties. "Combating terrorism has no place in the homes of our civilians," Afghan leader said while welcoming that "not demonstrated" that Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Placed in power by the U.S., in recent times has alienated ostensibly in Washington, which also has been criticized for rampant corruption in the country and their contacts with the insurgency. Obama's decision to set a date for departure from Afghanistan was answered both inside and outside the country and is behind the recall, in July 2008, the Stanley McCrhrystal general, commander-in-command of U.S. troops in that country and one of the most critical. Gen. David Petraeus, who held the post of McCrhrystal, called for flexibility to implement the disengagement plan and starting to see the first results of the counter-offensive launched by the U.S..
The disappearance of the largest U.S. public enemy reinforces the Democratic ranks who had asked Obama a detailed plan out of Afghanistan and provides a respite from the serious difficulties facing the president with the budget to reinforce the desirability of prompt withdrawn.

    By contrast, most Afghans opposed to negotiations with the Taliban, as the former Minister of Interior Hanif Atmar, say the death of the leader of Al Qaeda should not be seen as Washington has accomplished its mission in Afghanistan. "Mission accomplished means to destroy, dismantle and defeat Al Qaeda, so this (the death of Bin Laden) can not be used as a justification for a premature withdrawal, "says Atmar.

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1 - is hard to believe that the body of OSAMA BIN LADEN HAS BEEN" buried "in the MAR (?).

in any case would LAUNCHED TO THE SEA, WHEN 3 OF THE 4 HELICOPTERS return to its base in northern Pakistan.

PHOTOGRAPH CORPSE OF bloodiest terrorist Osama bin Laden







This is a picture of the idyllic village of Abbottabad WHERE, IN ONE OF THESE MANSIONS DEAD OSAMA BIN LADEN WAS WITH ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN


Death of Osama Bin Laden: His body was buried at sea

AOL News

WASHINGTON DC - AOL-.- The body of Osama

bin Laden, the mastermind of al-Qaeda behind the attacks of September 11, 2001 who died in an operation led by U.S.


was buried at sea on Sunday

a U.S. government official.
A small team of Americans carried out the attack and captured the remnants of bin Laden, the president said Sunday Barack Obama

night in a dramatic announcement from the White House.

The death of Bin Laden in Pakistan ended in a frustrating hunt that spanned a decade and a jubilant crowd gathered outside the presidential residence and at Ground Zero in New York - where the Twin Towers were hit by hijackers to bin Laden ago 10 years - to spread the news of his death.

"Justice has been done," Bush said.

A U.S. official confirmed that Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion near the Pakistani capital.
Bin Laden was hiding in a two-story house at 90 meters (about 100 yards) from the military academy Pakistani helicopters when four elements of U.S. counterterrorism forces came in the early hours of Monday morning and killed him. Osama Bin Laden muerte The four helicopters launched the attack in the town of Abbottabad, about 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of Islamabad, said a Pakistani intelligence official also confirmed the death of al-Qaida leader.
Three adult men were also killed in the raid, including one of the sons of bin Laden, whose name was not provided by officials. Hamza, a son of bin Laden, a member of senior al-Qaida. Staff of U.S. forces said one woman died in the attack when it was used as human shield by one of the guerrillas, and two other women were injured.
administration officials said the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA, for its acronym in English) tracked bin Laden to its location so that the elite troops of Team Six special operation group of the Navy - unit counterterrorism military - was directed to the hideout on board aircraft. It was reported that bin Laden was shot in the head during the shootout after he and his guards clashed with U.S. forces. U.S. Personal

bin Laden identified through facial recognition, the official said, he refused to say whether the procedure was performed a DNA analysis. The president said that no American was injured in the attack. The flames rose in the building that was the apparent target of a raid while confirming that the world's most wanted fugitive has not died in a cave, but in a town best known as headquarters for the Pakistani army. Pakistani officials and witnesses said bin Laden's guards opened fire from the roof of the building and one of the helicopters crashed . The sound of at least two explosions rocked Abbottabad where the head of al-Qaida was the last time. He said helicopters started from a Pakistani air base located in northern Iraq and that during the raid, were detained women and children.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic. Abbottabad is home to at least one regiment of the Pakistani army has a large number of military buildings and is home to thousands of people who are part of the army. News that was killed in a military town in Pakistan raises more questions about how he avoided being caught or if the Pakistani military and intelligence leaders knew of his whereabouts and they were hiding. Several critics have accused to Pakistan's security features to protect bin Laden, but Islamabad has always denied. authorities has long been believed that bin Laden's most wanted man in the world for nearly a decade, was hidden in a mountainous region along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
His death comes just months before the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 World Trade Center and Pentagon that killed more than 3,000 people.
The attacks sparked a series of events that led to U.S. wars in Afghanistan and then Iraq.
Former U.S. President George W. Bush said he congratulated President Barack Obama after learning of the death of bin Laden.
In a statement Sunday night, Obama said Bush called him to say that U.S. forces killed bin Laden.
Bush said: "This memorable achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace across the world and to all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001."
said the United States "sent a clear message: no matter how much longer it takes, justice will be done."
The State Department alerted United States embassies and warned its citizens abroad for possible reprisal attacks from al-Qaida and affiliates around the world after the death of group leader Osama bin Laden at the hands of U.S. forces in Pakistan.
In a global warning - issued shortly after President Barack Obama announced on Sunday night the death of bin Laden in a military operation - the State Department said there was a "high potential for violence given the recent anti-American activities counter-terrorism in Pakistan. " He said U.S. citizens living abroad, particularly in areas where there has been anti-US violence in the past, should avoid leaving their homes and gather in large groups.
For its part, the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, said the Americans have kept the promise made after September 11, 2001 to capture or kill Osama bin Laden.
Bloomberg added that the death of al-Qaida leader does not diminish the suffering of Americans who experienced firsthand the day the World Trade Center was destroyed, but is a "critically important victory" for the nation. Considered it a tribute to the men and women in the armed forces who have fought hard.
The 10th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001 is just months away. Bloomberg said in a statement he hoped the news of the death of bin Laden "offer some closure and comfort for those who lost their loved ones that day. While news of bin Laden's death spread, crowds gathered in front of the White House to celebrate, chanting "USA, USA" and waving American flags.
The jubilant crowd began to gather before President Obama speak on television at 11:30 pm on Sunday. By midnight, the crowd thronged the street directly in front of the White House and the celebrations were extended to Lafayette Park. The legislative aide Will
Ditto, 25, was about to take place on Capitol Hill when her mother phoned with the news.
Ditto said that the death of al-Qaida leader was "enormous."

Osama bin Laden is Dead