writes: Nestor Roque Solis (*)
few days ago I received in my mail a message saying that in Venezuela, the state takes away their children under three years to their parents. Just send me a copy of a toilet and hold the string to say well you live in Cuba. Senders are identified: poor, sad Malinches Felipillo and economic power, who are content with crumbs and say nothing when white-collar criminals put on top of the Amazon forests, subsoil rich in oil, metals of the Andes Sea of \u200b\u200bGrau and dignity of the nation.
All this propaganda is to clear the candidate of Ghana Peru and spread fear among voters. They released another message that workers will lose their social security funds, which Ollanta going to put a tax on families when the opposite is true. What the candidate wins Peru intends to implement is a windfall tax on mining companies are selling Peruvian resources without paying the state taxes as applicable.
We had already guessed what the media would trash the program and malinche Felipillo Jaime Baily, and other transvestites the right to demolish the candidate of Ghana Peru, in a vain attempt to stop the forces of change. So I say that to make policy and take power in Peru is to be in favor of the owners of the media, expect the same for professional success in public and private institutions have to work without hearing mental poverty.
I am part of the media and political debate not to impose my ideas, or to kneel before anyone. But the powerful media today are trying to impose preferences and behavior patterns. Freedom of expression is not throwing away the media in this election process. These days the Malinche Felipillo and television, radio and the press play a crucial role in defining what most people will feel, think, buy, act and vote on 5 June.
on the market today are not seen by God but by the media, who judge us based on our behavior. The altar remains, but is no longer the place of sacrifice and selflessness, but the cult itself, just as in this election campaign is reverence to the great gods of the screen and the radio these days are ready to discredit and governments try to impose his own image and likeness, the more dunces, better.
Large industrial and financial powers then produce not only goods but also psychosocial. Produce subjectivities that are both actors within the political context: they produce needs, social relations, bodies and minds, which is to say that cause producers to stay in power. The communication that we see these days, not only expresses, also organized movements to defend their interests. Where some journalists acting as priests in such ceremonies, encouraging false promises, inventing the future, persuading voters to vote for the same, because they are not interested to change their fortunes and interests.
This process of subjectification is marked by the mass media, especially television and radio, because there is a very important sector of the population does not read any newspaper, you are bound hand and foot television as the sole source of information. TV aims to be an instrument that reflects reality, but ends up becoming an instrument that creates reality, lies and anxiety in the electorate, hence, its power is the ability to impose a vision of the country guidelines, to wear glasses mental make people see Peru and the world according to their interests and benefits of power.
The age of majority is achieved when the individual meets three conditions: think for yourself, being able to take the place of another and be consistent with the thought. But the model does not seek power but to keep them irrevocably in childhood is happy that people are distracted so they do not think but distracted.
humans are now more slaves than our ancestors who built the city of Caral and mandolin. People will say how is this possible? With this subtle form of slavery that slaves made to believe they are free beings, because the chains have the form of beautiful gold bracelets. But they must be a stock of magicians or shamans? No, the media, because many times when you're sitting watching TV anesthesia sensitivity, dulls the mind, injures the soul. With these weapons, the right wants to bend the will of the voters, for the candidate of the mafia and murder wins the presidential election on 5 June.
So we want to indoctrinate the powerful owners of radio and television, but the people are not dumb or blind to realize that behind the aggressive campaign Ollanta Humala move against millionaires interests. But Peruvians are not blind, deaf and dumb not to see, hear and talk about reality, because our feelings change clarion touch with Peru's candidate wins.
The population is warned that the media war has been all in the month of May. But beyond the media war is the honor, dignity and freedom to choose the candidate who represents hope for all Peruvians, the commander Ollanta Humala Tasso.
Nestor Roque Solis Business Consultant, International Speaker