Friday, April 29, 2011

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Faenón: Rosa Maria Palacios and her husband appear as founders of three 'services' of Petro-Tech Transmission

Kallop the Sunat have created so you do not know their real income and thus pay less taxes. The marital made by the legal representative of Petro-Tech, Alberto Cueto rods, and journalist Rosa Maria Palacios figure, according to information from public records, such as the founder of three companies that acted as 'services' of the question Petro-Tech

. Registration tab of IMI del Peru SAC, a company incorporated by public deed on February 3, 2000, can be read clearly displayed as founding members Rod Alberto Cueto, married to Rosa María Palacios McBride, along with Manuel Gastañeta. It can be seen further that a total of 35 actions, the conjugal partnership Palacios had 34 rods and a Gastañeta. In registration form

The same was observed in the registration form of Consolidated Group of Peru SAC, created the same day that IMI del Peru SAC, which also had 34 double action rods while Palacios had a Gastañeta. ROSA MARIA PALACIOS PETROTECH

For further coincidence, both companies established in

Talara were established with a capital of S /. 3 000 500, each.

Furthermore, by deed of 2 April 2003 the company was founded Pariñas Gas Processing SAC, with a capital of S /. 10 000 and domiciled in Talara. This Petro-Tech Peruana SA appears as the owner of 99 shares during the marriage figure with a Palacios rods.

subsequently transferred marital Rods Palacios actions of these companies Petro-Tech.

The modus operandi

When the year 1993 he was awarded the exploitation of oil plot Talara William Kallop, he created expressly for participate in this bidding Petro-Tech International Inc., a company that would posit to the State.

At four months, ie 120 days after being awarded the bid in July 1993 Kallop created another company, Petro-Tech Peruana, with the purpose of evading payment of 10% tax with which Safir companies not domiciled in the country

and remit their funds abroad 'as was the case with the original company, Petro-Tech International. Strategy

words, no sooner won the contest, and before signing the contract award had already planned Kallop breach and get return to Peruvian law and the contract, by signing the agreement to another company other than that she had won. Kallop

parlayed that argument until 2000 to avoid paying the tax that was current at the date of signing the contract and the award. Then

Kallop begins to create a number of companies, with the apparent purpose of triangular payments and contracts in order to make it harder to both of who administered the contract by the State, ie Perupetro, as the Sunat . And around this operating subcontractors who was a shareholder of marriage Rods Palacios.

is to clarify that a Petro-Tech it suited him to have higher expenses and lower income, in order to maintain the scale of remuneration set out in the contract to a level where it can keep 84 percent of royalties, recognizing only 16% of the State.

By outsourcing their services thus Petro-Tech and do not understand, as part of their revenue, the company's subcontractors, in practice he did was to reduce revenues by incorporating the main costs through invoices issued outsourcing companies on behalf of Petro-Tech, reducing the taxation of the parent company was the contractor with the state.

What were they doing?

Petro-Tech, for example, outsourced security services through company-existing Risk Control in Talara.

Then form a company that provided food to all workers, catering company, also owned by Petro-Tech.

was also a company, which came from the 80-called IMI International, Sucursal Peru, but in 2000 created Kallop IMI del Peru SAC, where it appears as shareholder Palacios-marital rods to outsource staff who manage the platforms and ships that were state property.

This complex web of concocted

Kallop to avoid declaring their true income to Perupetro, which allowed him to obtain a much higher profitability.

He recognized

Rods Even Alberto Cueto admitted to the investigating commission, presided by Jhonny Peralta congressman. it was he who, on behalf of Kallop, was these companies.

On the other hand, in the case of Gas Processing Pariñas (PGP)-a natural gas processing plant "is evidence that the company obtained their licenses illegally, both the Ministry of Energy and Mines as Perupetro, although the way breached the concession contract, since it prohibited a subsidiary of Petro-Tech to process the gas belonged to the State or extracted Perupetro and Petro-Tech. This "system" operated between 2005 and 2008.

was only in February 2008, Daniel Saba, chairman of the board of Perupetro, becomes aware of this violation of contract and began a difficult process of collection and also claim tax evasion.

Peruvian Gas Processing PGM was forced to cancel about U.S. $ 32 million in royalties to Perupetro, while recognizing that, indeed, had violated the contrato.Como can see, this is a business conglomerate created expressly for transgressing the contract, the law and the appropriate taxes.


the year 2008-precisely the complaint of Saba to PGP and recognition of the violation of this contract, agrees with the emergence of the ineffable

'petroaudios', aimed at first-to-commit Daniel Saba and former Minister of Energy and Mines, Juan Valdivia in an alleged act of corruption in the granting of oil wells.

Saba started the collection of concepts contract, and the taxes Pariñas Gas Processing (PGP) should the state to prevent Petro-Tech claimed that it was liable to pay under pressure and appeals of all kinds.

there are those who think the true purpose of so-called 'petroaudios' was not cause the political earthquake that generated, but rather out of the way to Daniel Saba, who had the audacity to charge the powerful royalties Petro-Tech and taxes to be paid. Previous

A history of this reprehensible conduct by Petro-Tech was 2000, when given its proximity to the government of Alberto Fujimori (remember Alberto Montenegro Rods, Rods Cueto Alberto's father, was minister of Education during the Fujimori government and then ambassador to Costa Rica), Petro-Tech got the Minister of Energy and Mines, then, Jorge Chamot Sarmiento, to remove the then chairman of the board of Perupetro, Juan Assereto, who had sued to Petro-Tech to pay the taxes due to him.

Paradoxically, Asseretto was replaced as president by the board of Perupetro Bogovich Rafael Samaniego, no less than resigning former manager of Petro-Tech Peruana. Finally, two questions

valid after all this improper conduct of Petro-Tech and its top officials, can it be said that the Peruvian State is entitled to claim the money that is owed the company and ask for criminal penalties for those who committed the fraud and crime of tax fraud? Is this issue something to do with the attack on freedom of expression, as Rosa María Palacios took the accusations, outrageously, using media to defend a personal matter, and doing well with the intention of harming the government accusing it of violating freedom of expression in the very moment he was in Lima a delegation of the Inter American Press? Draw your own conclusions

rods confirms

EXPRESS have access to the minutes of the committee Peralta on Tuesday April 21 last year . In it, the rod itself formed Cueto acknowledges the aforementioned companies and the subsequent disposal thereof. Then transcribed verbatim what he said rods there, "Mr. CUETO .- Good morning RODS congressman.

What was left pending a clarification, which was the number of shares which were originally formed two companies: Consolidated Group of Peru SAC and IMI of Peru SAC, and the number of shares is as follows.

When the two companies were set up with 35 shares, the capital was 3 000 500 soles, and 34 shares of subscribed me, a doctor signed it on Gastañeta Manuel, who is my partner in Studio Garcia Sayan, and Once the company was incorporated these actions were transferred to shareholders Offshore Group Foreign and Offshore International Group.

The two companies have exactly the same set of shareholders, unlike the Consolidated Group of Peru that has not increased its capital. IMI of Peru itself and then increased its capital and the capital today is 160 000 suns, and the numbers of shares changed completely.

But that was information that had been pending. "

Lighter or water



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